Offline files not w...
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Offline files not working!

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Thank God, finally worked just downloaded the files again and didnt change anything and BOOM.

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What did you change in the first place?

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Try a KV checker to make sure it isn't banned.

Do not do this. This is a 100% horrible idea, kv checkers Flag the kv. I had a unshared kv on my desktop for 2 months. Checked it *didnt want to* it was unbanned, 3 hours later it was banned. I didnt even use it.

Also if you want to join public games while using the gold spoofer, have a friend on cod invite you to his/her lobby and let them find the game. For gta, let him/her get into a public game and invite you, just join.

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i have the same problem can someone help if they can fix this?

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Maybe get the better once!

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