Need to update your dash on your RGH/Jtag?
This already has the updates software in them for you.
NOTE: If you dont know how to update your Dash. Go look online.
Its not my fault if you brick your console.
NOTE: DASH 17150 Works on DashLaunch 3.13. I have tested this myself.
If you are using a stealth service on your console. Go to dashlaunch and take it off.
Go to Plugins and go to what your stealth.xex is on.
Press Y to clear your path. Click RB and X to save and A to load.
I would do it twice.
Reset console then update.
After updating your console.
Go back to dashlaunch and put the stealth.xex back on your plugins.
Save and load twice.
Reboot your console.
Depending on your stealth service it might reboot by itself.
NOTE: If your console loops ( Reboots then shuts off and reboots again and shuts off ).
Your stealth service has not updated there server and you will need to go get your launch.ini and take off your stealth plugin. You will be ok to reboot your console once you take off that plugin.
NOTE: If you dont know how to update your RGH/JTAG. Go look up how.
Dont forget about your Avatar.
I renamed the file for you already. You will need rar to get the folder.
Now the folder on your jtag/RGH needs to be Deleted.
Now when you put the new files in your xbox.
Go to xexmenu or restart your console. (Mine updated when I went to Xexmenu)
Your console will reset and boom you have your avatars
Here is my rgh updated to 17150 dash.
Im still running on dash launch 3.12 but if you want 3.13.
XEBUILD 3.13 AND DASHLAUNCH 3.13 RELEASED WITH 16767 SUPPORT | Rival Gamer Gaming Community
I will update this post when I use 3.13 🙂