[0.3] PSNTools.com ...
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[0.3] PSNTools.com Beta

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Posts: 1598
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Noble Member
Joined: 10 years ago

Sup everyone. This is a project I have been working on for the last few days. It's pretty simple but I think most of you guys will find it useful. The project aims to have as much as possible PSN tools on it. for now I have added 3 tools mentioned down below. I will be adding more soon.

Link: http://www.psntools.com


  • PSN Lookup: Multiple/Unlimited names lookup (50 names per round).
  • PSN Sender: Send unlimited messages to anyone (for now I made a restriction 50 message per hour to avoid block by sony).
  • PSN API: This the most useful tool. With this you can see all kind of info about a user in json format see the examples below.

- Api examples with response:

To check user [ FoxHoundModding ] basic info: http://www.psntools.com/api/FoxHoundModding

	    "onlineId": "FoxHoundModding",
	    "region": "us",
	    "npId": "Rm94SG91bmRNb2RkaW5nQGMzLnVz",
	    "avatarUrl": "http://static-resource.np.community.playstation.net/avatar/default/DefaultAvatar.png",
	    "aboutMe": "",
	    "languagesUsed": [
	    "plus": 0,
	    "trophySummary": {
	        "level": 5,
	        "progress": 39,
	        "earnedTrophies": {
	            "platinum": 1,
	            "gold": 6,
	            "silver": 14,
	            "bronze": 126
	    "relation": "no relationship"

To check his trophies: http://www.psntools.com/api/FoxHoundModding/trophies

	    "totalResults": 11,
	    "offset": 0,
	    "limit": 11,
	    "trophyTitles": [
	            "npCommunicationId": "NPWR03197_00",
	            "trophyTitleName": "Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner HD Edition",
	            "trophyTitleDetail": "Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner HD Edition Trophies",
	            "trophyTitleIconUrl": "http://trophy01.np.community.playstation.net/trophy/np/NPWR03197_00_00981EFD42A151989C71DA31F2F71F03AE2AEC3A98/63961F83317AD9B0DD297FAC9D4B4526B082019D.PNG",
	            "trophyTitlePlatfrom": "PS3",
	            "hasTrophyGroups": false,
	            "definedTrophies": {
	                "bronze": 3,
	                "silver": 16,
	                "gold": 5,
	                "platinum": 1
	            "comparedUser": {
	                "onlineId": "FoxHoundModding",
	                "progress": 0,
	                "earnedTrophies": {
	                    "bronze": 0,
	                    "silver": 0,
	                    "gold": 0,
	                    "platinum": 0
	                "lastUpdateDate": "2016-04-06T23:59:02Z"

To check certain game trophies: http://www.psntools.com/api/FoxHoundModding/trophies/NPWR03197_00

	    "trophies": [
	            "trophyId": 0,
	            "trophyHidden": false,
	            "trophyType": "platinum",
	            "trophyName": "Desperately Seeking Dingo",
	            "trophyDetail": "Collect all trophies",
	            "trophyIconUrl": "http://trophy01.np.community.playstation.net/trophy/np/NPWR03197_00_00981EFD42A151989C71DA31F2F71F03AE2AEC3A98/BEAB9E398C8E7B7552871817CC7041389083DEB6.PNG",
	            "trophyRare": 1,
	            "trophyEarnedRate": "5.8",
	            "comparedUser": {
	                "onlineId": "FoxHoundModding",
	                "earned": false

It's as simple as that. 😉

[WARNING="Note"]Early access is only for Prime members.[/WARNING]

That's all but please feel free to suggest any features/tools/enhancements you want to be add in the project.

Release History:

  • Version 0.3:
    • Added pjax functionality (You don't have to reload the page anymore).
    • Now you can send message to multiple users at once as a group conversation (maximum 5 users).
    • The message sender will be shuffled between many fake senders to prevent blocking and for maximum trolling.
    • Now you can add your own fake usernames to the list of senders (Please be careful any offensive/threatening usernames will get you blocked from using the tools).
    • Database usage has been decreased to the minimum for best user experience.
    • Bug fixes.
    • And more.
  • Version 0.2:
    • Bug fixes and stability improvements.
  • Version 0.1:
    • Initial release.
25 Replies
Project Pi
Posts: 2
(@Project Pi)
New Member
Joined: 9 years ago

I have a bo2 rtm tool that I am currently working on. It isn't complete yet and I haven't been able to test it yet since I don't have a jailbroken PS3. I was going to get one but other stuff came up.

Posts: 2350
Noble Member
Joined: 9 years ago

Beautiful work boss Cyb3r (y)

Posts: 336
Reputable Member
Joined: 10 years ago

Very usefull 🙂

Posts: 260
Reputable Member
Joined: 10 years ago

Good Work.
Sucks I only have a XBOX 360 And XBOX One.
😛 Lucky theres some xbox tools I use to annoy crappy people who ruin my day.

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