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[0.0.0 - Latest] RGStrike [TDPS]

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Welcome To The Offical RGStrike Thread!
Well after some time RPG Isnt My Thing At All.
Som Im Goint To Make A TDPS!
TDPS - Top Down Pixelated Shooter!
This Is The Finnal Idea And Will Not Be Changed Again.

It Will have A Fun Game Play And Could Betwo Player On The Same PC/Computer!
As For Now i will be gettingsome basic textures up then running.


Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
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Please Move Thread If Not In Correct Forum.

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Please Move Thread If Not In Correct Forum.

To have it moved simply report your own post and in the reason put that you need it moved to the correct location, that way its added to the moderation queue 😀

Posts: 260
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To have it moved simply report your own post and in the reason put that you need it moved to the correct location, that way its added to the moderation queue 😀

I Know But If There Is A Better Place For This Thread Im Just Letting Them Know To Move It.

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Invite me to the Pre-Alpha

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