whats up members today am asking for help on my rtm tool ...
basically am trying to make a zombie injector by calling the gsc from the rtm resources..
when I injected the gsc...... it was fine till I press start and soon as it got to number 0 it freezes my ps3?
I have a multiplayer one and works fine and used the same method but changed the offsets...
heres the source part whats inside the button maybe some can help and point out my errors or is there more to be added...
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
buffer[0] = 0x10;
buffer[1] = 4;
PS3.SetMemory(0x140c2d0, buffer);
PS3.SetMemory(0x140c4f8, Resources.evilrise);
if anyone knows please help would be great 🙂
skype - oxzy65
or please commemt below thanks