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Your Most Favored Item

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In TF2 we are all aware of the item and trading system that they have, but do you have something better than someone else? Do you think your item is better? Take a screenshot of the weapon/personilization(s) in your inventory and tell us the name of it, or them.

This is easily my favorite because I LOVE playing the Medic and it looks super bad-ass. On top of it being f*cking awesome, it is a Strange AND Haunted!

I'm not going to lie, I don't use it much because I don't play much of Engineer. I just put it here for bragging rights.

Sniper being my favorite class, the Machina is the 2nd best sniper you can get. 1st obviously being the AWP. I really want the AWP but until I get it, this will have to stay.

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags