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Web Development and Design Resources

Posts: 505
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Honorable RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

Having a website can be more than just installing a script as most people here seem to do. So I just thought I'd throw together a little thread with resources for web developers and people who wanna try it. If you want anything added or want to contribute anything then feel free to post it 🙂

Places to Learn

Tizag - Where I learnt the basics of php and my personal favourite due to it not being dumbed down a lot.

W3Schools - Offers more simple lessons and is better for those who haven't dabbled with coding for the web before. (Still good for those who have).

Learning jQuery - Great blog for learning to use the jQuery library. Note the skill level filter at the top-left.


PHP.net - The mother of all websites for php developers. Contains info on every function in php including some 3rd party ones. A must have bookmark if you code in php.

W3Schools HTML Tag List - Offers a full list of HTML tags (not HTML5 but they have one somewhere) with a little description on what each does.

W3Schools CSS Properties List - Same as the above but for CSS properties. (Doesn't cover CSS3 but they'll have one somewhere)

Code Editors

Dreamweaver ($399) - Said to be the cream of the crop for web design and development. However, it's not really worth the price considering the amount of it you will likely never use when coding.

[NEW] SublimeText/ ($59) - I was recently introduced to this and now think its awesome. SublimeText is very lightweight and a great price for some of the features it offers.

Coda ($99) - This is a mac only code editor but I hear amazing things about and the ui looks great. Defiantly worth the cost imo.

Espresso (£50.24) - Another great looking and simple code editor for mac only.

Aptana Studio (Free) - Great if you're looking for a full workspace environment.

Notepad++ (Free) Notepad... but better. One of the most widely used free code editors. This is mainly because of the huge amount of languages it covers (not just web) and how lightweight/portable it is.

NetBeans (Free) - Supposedly not a bad code editor for php lol.


WebDesignerForum - My new favourite forum. Has a great community and has been the answer to many of my coding problems. You can also get some great feedback on your work there.

DigitalPoint - Good for getting a problem fixed but there are too many WTS's and WTB's for my liking these days.

DaniWeb - Some people seem to like DaniWeb so I put it up here. However it doesn't just cover the web so the feedback can be a bit naff.

Stack Overflow - More of a question and answer website for coding in general but can still be handy at times.

[NEW] Forrst - Currently invite only but one of the greatest web design and development communities I've ever been a part of.


Programming PHP - Widely considered the main e-book for both learning and reference. It's also written by the original designer of php.

HTML & XHTML: the definitive guide - Another O'reilly book this time covering the HTML language as well as the differences between HTML and XHTML standards.

CSS: the definitive guide - How anyone would need a book on CSS I will never know but yes... there is one.

Libraries and Frameworks

jQuery - One of my favourite libraries ever created. jQuery allows designers and developers to quickly implement great effects and front-end features into their website without the hassle of hand coding them in JavaScript.

MooTools - A similar idea to jQuery in that it allows JavaScript features and effects to be done quicker. However MooTools has taken a different approach by being completely object-oriented.

Zend Framework - I'm not entirely certain on what using the Zend framework accomplishes. However to my knowledge it basically creates the backbone of your PHP application for you and then offers an object-oriented system for it which you can use on the rest of your website. Probably comes in handy for clients who want a large PHP system and a great design in a short time scale.

CodeIgniter - Again I'm not certain on what this is for because I don't use frameworks. However I think it does a similar job as Zend but with more flexibility.


Smashing Magazine - Based more on design and the web in genaral but still has some very interesting articles covering everything from coding to inspiration.

Fuel Your Coding - A blog by the amazing Fuel Brand Inc based all on coding. They also have blogs for other web topics such as design, interface and content which can be found here

NetTuts+ - Although this blogs main focus it on tutorials, it does still offer some good and helpful, general articles.

Woork - This is actually the old site for Woork but it seems to have some of the better content. The new site is atwoorkup.com but seems to have drifted away from development.

[NEW] WebDesignTuts+ - Only launched recently and similar to NetTuts+.

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