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Staff Application from Sw3Rve-X

Posts: 320
Topic starter
Reputable Member
Joined: 10 years ago

Member Name

Basic Information

[TAB]What section you like to be Moderator on?
Introduction Section [/TAB]
[TAB]Real Name
Jake Thornton [/TAB]
11-02-1994 [/TAB]
[TAB]Contact Address
sw3rvex [/TAB]
[TAB]Additional Usernames (Optional)

Other Information

[TAB]What skills do you feel you have that will help the forum?
I am very active on the the forum (mostly the intro section, hence the reason i am applying for that section) i read every thread and can spot spammers and can handle the situation accordingly and think i will be great assistant with keeping the forum under control [/TAB]
[TAB]Please show us some of your work. (Optional)
[TAB]Have you ever used the backend of any XenForo forum?
No [/TAB]
[TAB]Do you know how to use the Moderator options?
Yes [/TAB]
[TAB]Do you know any of our current staff members?
Yes [/TAB]
[TAB]If Yes, please tell us the their names. (Optional)
KranK, Cain532 and Jet i know others just not as much as these 3 [/TAB]
[TAB]Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know. (Optional)

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags