Release - Vapourati...
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Release - Vapouration TU16

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Hey Guys Ive Finally Decided To Release Vapouration
Useing JRPC2
All Client Stats
Off Host Mods
All Client Mods
Please Contact Me Via Aim Or Skype If Any Of The Features Are Not Working
Skype Kenneth199415
Aim [email protected]
Hope You Guys Enjoy The Tool
Gyazo - 351cfcab9fae5d9b8fc261faa6055e2c.gif

Might Show A Couple Of Errors On The Virus Scan Due To Obsufucation

Antisober - Helping me Code Some Functions
Call Of Duty Cumuinity - Release Of Offsets They Have Found And Posted 🙂
Droseum20 - Release Off All Client Stats

Fixed Bypass
Also Added An Auto Update Checker
Please Download The Latest Version With The Link Above

UM Ghost
skype : Starindahood09
Aim : GdoTMC

nice release you just copied/ paste your own post on se7ensins xD but nice tool is the bypass actually working?

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nice release you just copied/ paste your own post on se7ensins xD but nice tool is the bypass actually working?

Me + Kaos Will Be Working On An Bypass Soon And Should Be Updated in The Tool In A Few Weeks

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Me + Kaos Will Be Working On An Bypass Soon And Should Be Updated in The Tool In A Few Weeks

nice i dont know when the are planning to go to tu17 but if you would that would be awesome!

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nice i dont know when the are planning to go to tu17 but if you would that would be awesome!

We Will Keep Everyone Updated On The Status Of The Bypass 🙂 + The Tool Should Let You Know When There's An Update 🙂

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hello guys Im support Of this tool message me whenever 🙂

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