Play Arma 3 for Fre...
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Play Arma 3 for Free This Weekend

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Honorable RivalGamer
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You can try Bohemia Interactive's realistic shooter for free and buy it at half the regular price
If you were ever curious about the realistic modern combat simulator Arma 3, now's the perfect time to give it a shot.

Arma 3 is currently free to download and play via Steam, and it will remain that way until 1PM Pacific Time. If you try it and like it, the game is also being offered at a 50 percent discount, down from $60 to $30.

Arma 3 publisher is discounting some of its other games as part of the weekend sale, including DayZ, Take On Mars, and a $100 Bohemia Interactive Bundle that includes that includes a ton of Arma games and DLC.

Another great Steam deal you might want to check out this weekend in preparation for the release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is on the Witcher franchise. You can get The Witcher for $1.49, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition for $3, and The Witcher Adventure Game for $5.

Looking for more great gaming deals? Check out GameSpot's deals roundup, which features the day's best deals for all major platforms.

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