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bill johnson
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(@bill johnson)
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Joined: 10 years ago

I must say Cyb3r, Very Nice..... my son (10 yr old) is in Heaven, he said its the best day of his life HAHA
and he wanted me to tell who ever made it THANK'S, you made his weekend,
wish i would of recorded it, i wasnt expecting such a big reaction, damn kid went crazy haha

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I must say Cyb3r, Very Nice..... my son (10 yr old) is in Heaven, he said its the best day of his life HAHA
and he wanted me to tell who ever made it THANK'S, you made his weekend,
wish i would of recorded it, i wasnt expecting such a big reaction, damn kid went crazy haha

It's priceless to see a delighted kid, glad he liked it and tell him he is more than welcome, if there's any game in his mind I would definitely love to look into it when I get a free time. 🙂

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It's priceless to see a delighted kid, glad he liked it and tell him he is more than welcome, if there's any game in his mind I would definitely love to look into it when I get a free time. 🙂

Reading this comment made my day.

Nice Hack
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(@Nice Hack)
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Thank you Syb3r <3

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thanks cyb3y can you add One Hit Kill for no Host?

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