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New RivalGamer
Joined: 6 years ago

evening chaps,

I’ve been around for some time and have had previous history with the site... good and bad kinda went rogue many moons ago.

But hey im not much of a gamer these days and being married finding time is hard.. good to see the site is still going okay...

Hope to catch up with old and new members.

All the best

Brad P/Glitchy/Glitchytea

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Noble RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

Hey man. Welcome back and no worries it's water under the bridge now. 😉

I'm glad to see you're doing well, the site was pretty inactive due to PS3 scene kinda out of date but things are getting better now moving to PS4 modding since it's has been jailbroken.

Congrats for getting hitched and hope to you see around more often.
