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[Offsets] Metal Gear Solid V Online

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Hello, i foud this offset, can anybody take a look please?

Game Name: Metal Gear Solid 5
Game Version: 1.10
MOD TYPE: Offline / Online

SP-TPP.SELF [Offline/FOB] [BLES] [Addresses]


[Opd = 0x2A8B8A8 - TOC = 0x2B52DF8]

Soldier Health = 0x00C5E6B8
Soldier Ammo = 0x00DE5DC0
Soldier Visibility = 0x00C6D830
Soldier INTERROGATORY = 0x0050A124
HERO Point = 0x00A084AC
D-WALKER Ammo = 0x01878C34
GMP Point = 0x0207F578
SQUAD Level = 0x02151D30
Tools Durability = 0x02255E50
WEAPONS Ammo = 0x02318A14

MGO.SELF [Online] [BLES] [Addresses]

[Opd = 0x212A780 - TOC = 0x21BF210]

Soldier Health = 0x00564430
HERO Point = 0x0071DBC4
D-WALKER Ammo = 0x01722CB0
GMP Point = 0x01A19D30
SQUAD Level = 0x01A83200
Tools Durability = 0x018D0570
WEAPONS Ammo = 0x01B62B9C

======[BLES] [Offsets]=====

SP-TPP.SELF [Offline/FOB] [BLES] [Offsets]


[MODZ - NAME] [OFFSETS] | [Orignel] [NEW-DWORD 32B]
WEAPONS No RELOAD #1 = 0x23180C8 + 0x00E0 | 7C A7 23 2E --> 60 00 00 00
D-WALKER No RELOAD #2 = 0x1878C34 + 0x01C8 | B0 C5 00 00 --> 60 00 00 00
INFINITE Ammo #1 = 0x2318A14 + 0x0020 | 38 A0 00 01 --> 38 A0 00 00
INFINITE GRENADE #1 = 0x2318A14 + 0x0044 | 7C A3 23 2E --> 7C E3 23 2E
INFINITE SUPRESSOR #1 = 0x23181C4 + 0x0080 | 98 C7 00 00 --> 60 00 00 00
D-WALKER INFINITE SUPRESSOR #2 = 0x1878E54 + 0x0104 | 98 67 00 00 --> 60 00 00 00
INFINITE HEALTH #1 = 0x0C5E6B8 + 0x0288 | A0 9F 01 0C --> 38 80 4E 20
INFINITE HEALTH #2 = 0x0C5E6B8 + 0x028C | 7C 04 E8 00 --> B0 9E 01 00
INFINITE HEALTH #3 = 0x0C5E6B8 + 0x0290 | 41 82 00 98 --> 60 00 00 00
MAX BULLET #1 = 0x0DE5DC0 + 0x0BDC | 80 83 01 34 --> 38 80 27 0F
MAX BULLET #2 = 0x0DE5DC0 + 0x0BE0 | 7C 84 A0 14 --> 90 83 01 28
MAX BULLET #3 = 0x0DE5DC0 + 0x0BE4 | 90 83 01 34 --> 90 83 01 2C
INFINITE GMP Point #1 = 0x207F578 + 0x0060 | 78 6A 00 20 --> 39 40 00 00
MAX INTERROGATORY #1 = 0x050A124 + 0x007C | 41 81 00 0C --> 48 00 00 0C
God Mode #1 = 0x0C6D830 + 0x1028 | B0 74 01 0C --> 60 00 00 00
MAX HERO POINTS #1 = 0x0A084AC + 0x007C | 7C C3 18 38 --> 3C 60 05 F5
MAX HERO POINTS #2 = 0x0A084AC + 0x0080 | 7C 63 28 14 --> 60 63 E0 FF
MAX BUDDY AFFINITY #1 = 0x1699F6C + 0x0040 | 41 81 00 14 --> 48 00 00 14
ALL BUDDIES #0 = 0x096F784 + 0x0058 | 7C 84 2B 78 --> 38 80 00 00
ALL BUDDIES #1 = 0x096F868 + 0x0050 | 88 83 2D 03 --> 38 80 00 00
ALL BUDDIES #2 = 0x1699880 + 0x0018 | 38 80 00 01 --> 38 80 00 00
ALL BUDDIES #3 = 0x1699880 + 0x001C | 88 63 2D 01 --> 90 83 2C 84
ALL BUDDIES #4 = 0x1699880 + 0x0020 | 7C 84 F8 30 --> 38 80 00 FF
ALL BUDDIES #5 = 0x1699880 + 0x0024 | 7C 63 20 38 --> 98 83 2C 6D
ALL BUDDIES #6 = 0x1699880 + 0x0028 | 7C 63 00 34 --> 98 83 2C 6E
ALL BUDDIES #7 = 0x1699880 + 0x002C | 54 63 DF FE --> 38 60 00 01
ALL BUDDIES #8 = 0x1699880 + 0x0030 | 68 63 00 01 --> 38 80 00 08
ALL BUDDIES #9 = 0x1699B64 + 0x001C | 88 63 2D 04 --> 38 60 00 00
MAX SQUAD LEVEL #1 = 0x2151D30 + 0x002C | 38 60 00 00 --> 38 60 00 64
MAX SQUAD LEVEL #2 = 0x2151D30 + 0x0034 | 30 65 00 01 --> 38 60 00 64
INVISIBLE SOLDIERS #1 = 0x1D48978 + 0x0058 | 40 82 01 04 --> 48 00 01 04
INVISIBLE TANKs #2 = 0x1E57AA8 + 0x0060 | 41 82 01 40 --> 48 00 01 40
INVISIBLE HELICOPTERS #3 = 0x19BEE88 + 0x004C | 41 82 00 7C --> 48 00 00 7C
INVISIBLE SURVEILLANCE CAMS #4 = 0x1BCB7F8 + 0x002C | 40 82 00 0C --> 40 82 00 04
INFINITE Battery #1 = 0x2255E50 + 0x00D8 | FC 43 10 6E --> 60 00 00 00
MAX Resources on Sell #1 = 0x15E4758 + 0x01A8 | 7C C3 1B 78 --> 1C 78 00 02
MAX Resources on Gain #2 = 0x1FEEC34 + 0x0280 | 7C 83 1B 78 --> 1C 76 00 02
HEALTH No Damage #1 = 0x0C5E6B8 + 0x0B50 | 49 5E CB 39 --> 60 00 00 00
MAX Camo #1 = 0x0C6D830 + 0x1E74 | 7C 23 FC 2E --> 3C 60 7F 80
MAX Camo #2 = 0x0C6D830 + 0x1E78 | D0 3E 00 98 --> 90 7E 00 98

MGO.SELF [Online] [BLES] [Offsets]


[MODZ - NAME] [OFFSETS] | [Orignel] [NEW-DWORD 32B]
WEAPONS No RELOAD #1 = 0x1B61F90 + 0x00E0 | 7C A7 23 2E --> 60 00 00 00
D-WALKER No RELOAD #2 = 0x1722CB0 + 0x01F8 | B0 A3 00 00 --> 60 00 00 00
INFINITE Ammo [Patched or Chenged you can give it peek on WEAPONS Ammo address]
INFINITE GRENADE #1 = 0x1B62B9C + 0x0040 | 7C A3 23 2E --> 7C E3 23 2E
INFINITE SUPRESSOR #1 = 0x1B62320 + 0x008C | 99 04 00 00 --> 60 00 00 00
D-WALKER INFINITE SUPRESSOR #2 = 0x1722F00 + 0x0104 | 98 67 00 00 --> 60 00 00 00
INFINITE HEALTH [Patched or Chenged you can give it peek on Soldier Health address]
INFINITE GMP Point #1 = 0x1A19D30 + 0x0060 | 78 6A 00 20 --> 39 40 00 00
God Mode [Patched or Chenged you can give it peek on Soldier Health address]
MAX HERO POINTS #1 = 0x071DBC4 + 0x007C | 7C C3 18 38 --> 3C 60 05 F5
MAX HERO POINTS #2 = 0x071DBC4 + 0x0080 | 7C 63 28 14 --> 60 63 E0 FF
MAX SQUAD LEVEL #1 = 0x1A83200 + 0x002C | 38 60 00 00 --> 38 60 00 64
MAX SQUAD LEVEL #2 = 0x1A83200 + 0x0034 | 30 65 00 01 --> 38 60 00 64
INFINITE Battery [Patched or Chenged you can give it peek on Tools Durability address]
HEALTH No Damage [Patched or Chenged you can give it peek on Soldier Health address]

======[BLUS] [Addresses]=======

SP-TPP.SELF [Offline/FOB] [BLUS] [Addresses]


[Opd = 0x2A8B8A8 - TOC = 0x2B52DF8]

Soldier Health = 0x00C5E6C8
Soldier Ammo = 0x00DE5DD0
Soldier Visibility = 0x00C6D840
Soldier INTERROGATORY = 0x0050A134
HERO Point = 0x00A084BC
D-WALKER Ammo = 0x01878C44
GMP Point = 0x0207F588
SQUAD Level = 0x02151D40
Tools Durability = 0x02255E60
WEAPONS Ammo = 0x02318A24

MGO.SELF [Online] [BLUS] [Addresses]

[Opd = 0x212A780 - TOC = 0x21BF210]

Soldier Health = 0x00564440
HERO Point = 0x0071DBD4
D-WALKER Ammo = 0x01722CC0
GMP Point = 0x01A19D40
SQUAD Level = 0x01A83210
Tools Durability = 0x018D0580
WEAPONS Ammo = 0x01B62BAC

*****[BLUS] [Offsets]*******

SP-TPP.SELF [Offline/FOB] [BLUS] [Offsets]

[MODZ - NAME] [OFFSETS] | [Orignel] [NEW-DWORD 32B]
WEAPONS No RELOAD #1 = 0x23180D8 + 0x00E0 | 7C A7 23 2E --> 60 00 00 00
D-WALKER No RELOAD #2 = 0x1878C44 + 0x01C8 | B0 C5 00 00 --> 60 00 00 00
INFINITE Ammo #1 = 0x2318A24 + 0x0020 | 38 A0 00 01 --> 38 A0 00 00
INFINITE GRENADE #1 = 0x2318A24 + 0x0044 | 7C A3 23 2E --> 7C E3 23 2E
INFINITE SUPRESSOR #1 = 0x23181D4 + 0x0080 | 98 C7 00 00 --> 60 00 00 00
D-WALKER INFINITE SUPRESSOR #2 = 0x1878E64 + 0x0104 | 98 67 00 00 --> 60 00 00 00
INFINITE HEALTH #1 = 0x0C5E6C8 + 0x0288 | A0 9F 01 0C --> 38 80 4E 20
INFINITE HEALTH #2 = 0x0C5E6C8 + 0x028C | 7C 04 E8 00 --> B0 9E 01 00
INFINITE HEALTH #3 = 0x0C5E6C8 + 0x0290 | 41 82 00 98 --> 60 00 00 00
MAX BULLET #1 = 0x0DE5DD0 + 0x0BDC | 80 83 01 34 --> 38 80 27 0F
MAX BULLET #2 = 0x0DE5DD0 + 0x0BE0 | 7C 84 A0 14 --> 90 83 01 28
MAX BULLET #3 = 0x0DE5DD0 + 0x0BE4 | 90 83 01 34 --> 90 83 01 2C
INFINITE GMP Point #1 = 0x207F588 + 0x0060 | 78 6A 00 20 --> 39 40 00 00
MAX INTERROGATORY #1 = 0x050A124 + 0x007C | 41 81 00 0C --> 48 00 00 0C
God Mode #1 = 0x0C6D840 + 0x1028 | B0 74 01 0C --> 60 00 00 00
MAX HERO POINTS #1 = 0x0A084BC + 0x007C | 7C C3 18 38 --> 3C 60 05 F5
MAX HERO POINTS #2 = 0x0A084BC + 0x0080 | 7C 63 28 14 --> 60 63 E0 FF
MAX BUDDY AFFINITY #1 = 0x1699F7C + 0x0040 | 41 81 00 14 --> 48 00 00 14
ALL BUDDIES #0 = 0x096F794 + 0x0058 | 7C 84 2B 78 --> 38 80 00 00
ALL BUDDIES #1 = 0x096F878 + 0x0050 | 88 83 2D 03 --> 38 80 00 00
ALL BUDDIES #2 = 0x1699890 + 0x0018 | 38 80 00 01 --> 38 80 00 00
ALL BUDDIES #3 = 0x1699890 + 0x001C | 88 63 2D 01 --> 90 83 2C 84
ALL BUDDIES #4 = 0x1699890 + 0x0020 | 7C 84 F8 30 --> 38 80 00 FF
ALL BUDDIES #5 = 0x1699890 + 0x0024 | 7C 63 20 38 --> 98 83 2C 6D
ALL BUDDIES #6 = 0x1699890 + 0x0028 | 7C 63 00 34 --> 98 83 2C 6E
ALL BUDDIES #7 = 0x1699890 + 0x002C | 54 63 DF FE --> 38 60 00 01
ALL BUDDIES #8 = 0x1699890 + 0x0030 | 68 63 00 01 --> 38 80 00 08
ALL BUDDIES #9 = 0x1699B74 + 0x001C | 88 63 2D 04 --> 38 60 00 00
MAX SQUAD LEVEL #1 = 0x2151D40 + 0x002C | 38 60 00 00 --> 38 60 00 64
MAX SQUAD LEVEL #2 = 0x2151D40 + 0x0034 | 30 65 00 01 --> 38 60 00 64
INVISIBLE SOLDIERS #1 = 0x1D48988 + 0x0058 | 40 82 01 04 --> 48 00 01 04
INVISIBLE TANKs #2 = 0x1E57AB8 + 0x0060 | 41 82 01 40 --> 48 00 01 40
INVISIBLE HELICOPTERS #3 = 0x19BEE98 + 0x004C | 41 82 00 7C --> 48 00 00 7C
INVISIBLE SURVEILLANCE CAMS #4 = 0x1BCB808 + 0x002C | 40 82 00 0C --> 40 82 00 04
INFINITE Battery #1 = 0x2255E60 + 0x00D8 | FC 43 10 6E --> 60 00 00 00
MAX Resources on Sell #1 = 0x15E4768 + 0x01A8 | 7C C3 1B 78 --> 1C 78 00 02
MAX Resources on Gain #2 = 0x1FEEC44 + 0x0280 | 7C 83 1B 78 --> 1C 76 00 02
HEALTH No Damage #1 = 0x0C5E6C8 + 0x0B50 | 49 5E CB 39 --> 60 00 00 00
MAX Camo #1 = 0x0C6D840 + 0x1E74 | 7C 23 FC 2E --> 3C 60 7F 80
MAX Camo #2 = 0x0C6D840 + 0x1E78 | D0 3E 00 98 --> 90 7E 00 98

MGO.SELF [Online] [BLUS] [Offsets]

[MODZ - NAME] [OFFSETS] | [Orignel] [NEW-DWORD 32B]
WEAPONS No RELOAD #1 = 0x1B61FA0 + 0x00E0 | 7C A7 23 2E --> 60 00 00 00
D-WALKER No RELOAD #2 = 0x1722CC0 + 0x01F8 | B0 A3 00 00 --> 60 00 00 00
INFINITE Ammo [Patched or Chenged you can give it peek on WEAPONS Ammo address]
INFINITE GRENADE #1 = 0x1B62BAC + 0x0040 | 7C A3 23 2E --> 7C E3 23 2E
INFINITE SUPRESSOR #1 = 0x1B62330 + 0x008C | 99 04 00 00 --> 60 00 00 00
D-WALKER INFINITE SUPRESSOR #2 = 0x1722F10 + 0x0104 | 98 67 00 00 --> 60 00 00 00
INFINITE HEALTH [Patched or Chenged you can give it peek on Soldier Health address]
INFINITE GMP Point #1 = 0x1A19D40 + 0x0060 | 78 6A 00 20 --> 39 40 00 00
God Mode [Patched or Chenged you can give it peek on Soldier Health address]
MAX HERO POINTS #1 = 0x071DBD4 + 0x007C | 7C C3 18 38 --> 3C 60 05 F5
MAX HERO POINTS #2 = 0x071DBD4 + 0x0080 | 7C 63 28 14 --> 60 63 E0 FF
MAX SQUAD LEVEL #1 = 0x1A83210 + 0x002C | 38 60 00 00 --> 38 60 00 64
MAX SQUAD LEVEL #2 = 0x1A83210 + 0x0034 | 30 65 00 01 --> 38 60 00 64
INFINITE Battery [Patched or Chenged you can give it peek on Tools Durability address]
HEALTH No Damage [Patched or Chenged you can give it peek on Soldier Health address]

side note if you want to mod on MGO3 you will need to use CCAPI
cuz TMAPI freeze the game and edited the SELF will cuzing auto kick from the game to XMB
if you want to use these offset on CCAPI or DEBUGGER you will need to add 0x10000
For Ex : INFINITE Ammo = 0x2318A14 + 0x0020 + 0x10000 = 0x2328A34
you will be using 0x2328A34 on the DEBUGGER or CCAPI for the INFINITE Ammo

Credits :

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
12 Replies
Posts: 1280
Noble Member
Joined: 10 years ago

Impressive collection of offsets. I hate trying to work with CCAPI so I focused on script mods :p also the game was a bit of a bust in my opinion :X But cool stuff all the same. Thank you for sharing carma66,

furthermore, I got sick of hitting Black Screen X'D

Posts: 203
Reputable Member
Joined: 9 years ago

Hello, i foud this offset, can anybody take a look please?

Game Name: Metal Gear Solid 5
Game Version: 1.10
MOD TYPE: Offline / Online

SP-TPP.SELF [Offline/FOB] [BLES] [Addresses]


Hidden content cannot be quoted.

MGO.SELF [Online] [BLES] [Addresses]

Hidden content cannot be quoted.

======[BLES] [Offsets]=====

SP-TPP.SELF [Offline/FOB] [BLES] [Offsets]


Hidden content cannot be quoted.

MGO.SELF [Online] [BLES] [Offsets]


Hidden content cannot be quoted.

side note if you want to mod on MGO3 you will need to use CCAPI
cuz TMAPI freeze the game and edited the SELF will cuzing auto kick from the game to XMB
if you want to use these offset on CCAPI or DEBUGGER you will need to add 0x10000
For Ex : INFINITE Ammo = 0x2318A14 + 0x0020 + 0x10000 = 0x2328A34
you will be using 0x2328A34 on the DEBUGGER or CCAPI for the INFINITE Ammo

Credits :

Nice Offsets pal :p

Posts: 0
Topic starter
New Member
Joined: 10 years ago

Impressive collection of offsets. I hate trying to work with CCAPI so I focused on script mods :p also the game was a bit of a bust in my opinion :X But cool stuff all the same. Thank you for sharing carma66,

furthermore, I got sick of hitting Black Screen X'D

so you cant use them to make a tool?

Posts: 2350
Noble Member
Joined: 9 years ago

Thats alot of offsets but will come in handy 🙂

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