Hello my RG Babies!!!
So, here is a brief tutorial on how this runs 🙂
There are a lot of great functions packed into this .dll! Once you get it made, be sure to check out the Extensions!!****
First, you'll want to add the MultiAPI as a reference to your C# project, right click and Add Reference, then to add it to your project, you will need to type
using MultiLib;//Don't go by the picture!!! I changed a few things :D
Then we need to declare it and choose our API using
MultiConsoleAPI MC = new MultiConsoleAPI(SelectAPI.XboxNeighborhood);
You can also use MultiConsoleAPI MC = new MultiConsoleAPI(); and it will default to TargetManager as the API.
Now, make a button! Self explanatory :p
Name it something cool and original!
Now, the ConnectTarget function is a bool, so you can set it to display a messageBox or do whatever else using a simple if () command, like this!
if (MC.ConnectTarget(0))//there are some errors due to the Xbox connection, so if you are using a ps3 as your API you need to include the 0. Working on fixing this ;) { MessageBox.Show("Connected"); //You can do other stuff in here too! Get Creative! }
I made a quick shortcut for the Notificaions that you can use 😉 it'll work for CCAPI as well, but it was designed with Xbox in mind. The code shown in the picture is old, I've since updated it, you can use MC.QuickNotify("Text Here"); it'll spit out a default icon for the notification (Flashing Happy Face for those interested)
Replace the MessageBox.Show with the MC.QuickNotify() command :p
Side note, ** The Extensions can be called using
That particular one returns an int. which is handy for printing values :p Play with them a bit! Lots to check out!
Alright! That's pretty much all I got 🙂 If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! I'm not great with tutorials haha so quite sorry for that :p