requirements jailbroken iDevice
Ok, i'll try my best without pictures
1.go to AppStore download UFC TV for free 🙂
2.go to cydia download flex now
Start FLEX
Click on the + sign next to the word patches
it will then say... Choose App.
click on it
you'll now be inside patch editor
Click Add Units
under executable click and process
it will take a minute
then click on the > next to
you'll see a magnifying glass to search for the toggles
click to add them
click cancel to take you back to the main screen and click through the toggles
now this is the way i have mine ..
Enable Fight Pass
canBuyViaFightPassSub = TRUE
isFightPassSubscriptionPurchased = TRUE
isFightPassSubscriptionActive = TRUE
isFightPassSubscriber = TRUE
setIsFightPassSubscriber = TRUE
hasAccessToFightPassSubscription = TRUE
isSubscriptionActive = TRUE
Enable PPV
canBuyViaPPV = TRUE
hasAccessToMainEvent = TRUE
Enable Video On Demand
canBuyViaVodSub = TRUE
isVodSubscriptionPurchased = TRUE
setIsVodSubscriptionPurchased = TRUE
isVodSubscriber = TRUE
isVIPUser = TRUE
setIsVIPUser = TRUE
isAccountVIPUser = TRUE
hasAccessToVodSubscription = TRUE
MKSKSubscriptionProduct - initWithProductIdId)subscriptionDays
int) = 999999999
MKSKSubscriptionProduct - subscriptionDaysint) = 999999999
MKSKSubscriptionProduct - setSubscriptionDaysint) = 999999999
Location Settings & Blackout Blocks
XLLocationMgr - isLocationSettingOff = TRUE
XLappMgr - isLocationSettingOff = TRUE
blackoutNode = Pass-Through
setBlackoutnode = Pass-Through
Remove Twitter & Cam Bar On Video Playback
NLMovieViewController_iPad - changePlayerControlsPositions = Pass-Through
NLMovieController_iPad - changePlayerControlsPositions = Pass-Through
NLMovieViewController_iPhone - changePlayerControlsPositions = Pass-Through
Remove Jailbreak Checks
isJailbroken = FALSE
isDeviceJailbroken = FALSE
Remove Ads (iPhone) (It's been awhile so I don't recall why I set these)
UFCLiveEventsHomeVC_iPhone - setBannerAdView = NULL
UFCLiveEventsHomeVC_iPhone - bannerAdView = NULL
UFCFightLibraryVC_iPhone - setBannerAdView = NULL
UFCFightLibraryVC_iPhone - bannerAdView = NULL
Set Video To High Quality & Air Play Is Enabled (Patch I downloaded, haven't tried AirPlay yet though)
ConfigurationItem - videoQualityHigh = NULL
ConfigurationItem - setvideoQualityHigh = NONE
CustomStreamQualityItem - deviceType = NULL
UserStreamQualityItem - streamType - Return Value = 3
isAirPlay = NULL
setIsAirPlay = NONE