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jkPatch RPC NetCheat API

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Not sure where you got those, but this is a good place to get ps4 codes: https://github.com/JDsnyke/PS4-Cheat-List

Those are PS4_Cheat files can be loaded and used, they use pointers mostly.

I've seen this list before, but it doesn't work tried on two of the games listed (FFXV and Resident Evil 7 ) not one code nothing worked (i have the same game region) although i managed to find some codes for FFXV on my own, like money, XP for all party. Fire and Ice spells.

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They probably don't work because game developers are using dynamic memory allocation crap more often all of the time, and the codes in the list are likely all memory codes, and those memory addresses can change from simply restarting the PS4 or reloading a checkpoint or anything. Some games in that list can instantly be thrown in the garbage because you can't make memory codes of them, like Diablo 3 being impossible to make working memory codes of and can only really be done correctly with ASM code modifications like they were done on the PS3. You're likely stuff with the only current option being finding the codes with Netcheat or whatever else each time you play because the memory locations will be different each time, or wait until there's a debugger or something out where people can easily make ASM codes using memory codes.

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They probably don't work because game developers are using dynamic memory allocation crap more often all of the time, and the codes in the list are likely all memory codes, and those memory addresses can change from simply restarting the PS4 or reloading a checkpoint or anything. Some games in that list can instantly be thrown in the garbage because you can't make memory codes of them, like Diablo 3 being impossible to make working memory codes of and can only really be done correctly with ASM code modifications like they were done on the PS3. You're likely stuff with the only current option being finding the codes with Netcheat or whatever else each time you play because the memory locations will be different each time, or wait until there's a debugger or something out where people can easily make ASM codes using memory codes.

I know what you mean but have you ever heard of static pointers?

Checkout my question on stack exchange: https://reverseengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/18046/game-cheating-pointers-vs-static-memory-editing

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Static pointer routes work fine as long as you can find reliable and correct paths that always work, but I've encountered some games having incorrect pointer paths for PS3 games, and even made 1 wrong bad code for Ni No Kuni Wrath Of The White Witch that ended up being a pointer path changing that broke my code. If you're able to find a working pointer path that's great, but good luck on choosing the correct few out of possibly thousands of bad results. Maybe you could try the pointer scanner with memory dumps in Cheat Engine since it's little endian byte order, but I've never had a reason to try it.

I always prefer ASM over memory, because I can put the pointer path into the ASM code to separate the player from enemies/NPCs and make it work more reliably than just a normal memory code with pointer paths. Depending on how a game is coded, a simple thing like an infinite health code using pointer paths can still kill you from a 1 hit kill if the game has the zero health check immediately after it decreases health. If you put the pointer path into the ASM code and have it not decrease your health, then the zero health check will fail and you'd never die.

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This is an implementation of jkpatch RPC to work with NetCheat and it's pretty much fast, also NetCheat has some cool features that other apps doesn't have. Anyway here's a brief instructions on how to use it:

  1. Download the file in the link below, extract it and drop it into your NetCheat "APIs" folder
    Fire up your game
    After starting the game load the exploit "Original" through your browser and leave the browser open
    Open NetCheat 64bit and change the API to "PS4 RPC" (check the notes below if you get an error)
    Click connect, a pop-up will appear choose your FW version & change IP to your PS4 IP address then click "Inject Payload"
    If the payload get injected successfully click Connect
    Click attach and and choose a memory region to work with

    Notes & Hints:

    • If you have PS4API-NC.dll in your APIs folder you have to move it somewhere else it has a conflict for unknown reason
      After selecting a memory region the range addresses will be inserted in Start/Stop fields without any interaction on your end (the ranges are not real it's just an alias because netcheat is clunky when working with 64bit addresses so I had to make them shorter)
      When you select a memory region the start address will always be the same 0x0, this useful if you want to modify the ELF region without worrying about ASLR (the ELF region is usually the first one named executable)
      If you want to choose another region just click on the play button (Continue button) This also applies to changing games, you don't have to disconnect and connect again just click the same button after starting your game

    File download: https://github.com/iCyb3r/NetCheat-PS4RPC/releases/download/v1.0/PS4NC.zip
    Source Code: https://github.com/iCyb3r/NetCheat-PS4RPC

Cyber you have skype?

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