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How did you get into Gaming?

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Posts: 30
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Eminent RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

Haha funny story actually, when my mother was about to have me, she kept arguing with my father that she wanted to finish ONE MORE LEVEL OF SUPER MARIO!

First video game I remember playing was on the NES, I can't recall the name of it, but I used to play with my bro all the time. Then when I was old enough to play games on my own, we had a SNES and I LOVED the Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening games, then fell in love with the MegaMan franchise. a few yeas pass, we had the N64, played the Crap out of it, loved it, Fell more into the Zelda franchise with OOT and my personal favorite, Majora's Mask, and then we get the Playstation 1, first game we played on that was the Fifth Element. I was terrible at it haha, I was probably 8 or 9 and it was winter, Dad brought home 2 games; Galarians and Metal Gear Solid. Both games were absolutely amazing, but I become completely entranced into the world of Metal Gear. From that day I was hooked, each new installation I absolutely had to have, my first mod tool was for Metal Gear Solid 4, and that was probably done about 3 years ago :p

That's my story!

I liked the Metal Gear Solids, those were fun guys I recommend if you like Metal Gear Solid should at least try SOCOM. 🙂

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