I would recomend renaming the original EBOOT.BIN to something like EBOOT.BINbkp That way you always have a copy. I do that every single time I mod any game 😛 Also I would recomend upgrading to 4.81.2 Rebug 😀
yeah i really need to get in the habit of making backups. Spent countless hours re-updating :facepalm:
I would recomend renaming the original EBOOT.BIN to something like EBOOT.BINbkp That way you always have a copy. I do that every single time I mod any game :p Also I would recomend upgrading to 4.81.2 Rebug 😀
The defiance service is not available. Maybe the updater is in the actual EBOOT?
The defiance service is not available. Maybe the updater is in the actual EBOOT?
I'd have to look :X
I go by the name I_FEAR_YE_NOT. I have been an active modder but haven't until recently took it upon myself to make my own mods. There's a game called defiance and i just can not get it cracked. The problem i am having is getting netcheat with tmapi to connect. (CCAPI is just too slow) I have attempted to make a debug eboot and defiance.ppu.self but as soon as i go into a server no processes show up in ps3 debugger. when first loading the game it shows that eboot.bin is a process. I debug and attach but after i get passed the menus and into the game all processes dissapear and netcheat says not attached. any help or advice would be great. i have a few people wanting this game modded but there is no way im sitting through searching for offsets and addresses with ccapi. I would like to be the one to come up with the mods and create the first tool but i am lost. Thank you
Welcome to rivalgamer buddy