This time is a script wrote in C.
This is a bit more complex than the others,there is a menù build in the script.
We can chose from 4 inputs:
1: Add a value to the array
2: Delete a value from the array
3: Show the array
4: RIP
Script is in C,using PHP to highlight.
// // array.c // cookie method (vBulletin) // // Created by Cris on 15/03/2014. // Copyright (c) 2014 Cris. All rights reserved. // #include #include int main() { int scelta,pos,num,x,no; int a[10]={0}; //Set Array "a" with 10 elements all at 0. no = 1; //Main loop while (no==1){//Main loop,that's a kind of boolean True or False to keep looping printf("Input 1 to inser a value.n");//Menù print printf("Input 2 to delete a value.n"); printf("Input 3 to see the array elements.n"); printf("Input 4 to quit.n"); scanf("%d",&scelta);//Input from 1 to 4 if (scelta == 1){//INPUT 1 printf("Chose the position of the element from 1 to 10.n"); scanf("%d",&pos); printf("Chose the value to insert in position: %d.n",pos); scanf("%d",&num);//Input a[pos]=num; printf("n");//Some spaces printf("n"); } else if (scelta == 2){//INPUT 2 printf("Chose the position of the number you want to delete from 1 to 10.n"); scanf("%d",&pos); a[pos]= 0;//Set the value of chosen element to 0 printf("n"); printf("n"); } else if (scelta == 3){//INPUT 3 x=1;//x is a control variable while (x <= 10){//Loop printf("%dn",a[x]); x++;//Increase x,can also write as x=x+1 } } else if (scelta == 4){//INPUT 4 break;//break function stop the script } else {//If the user didn't chose from 1 to 4 he gets an error printf("Invalid Choice!n"); printf("n"); printf("n"); }//That loop is used to show the menù after every choice. }
If you don't understand just ask!