Sweet, lets give this a run.
When are you planning to release a updated version of your app with the export option enabled? we keep a list of players and tribes on our website but it's a pain to manually update it from the survivor profiles 😉
this brings me on a new request 😉
can you make it that the app automatically loads all player profiles from the server? like present a list off players instead of loading them one by one.
the same goes for Tribes🙂
ans yes the official updates for the ark server is going like 1 in two day's! but sometimes its much faster now on 188.22 and update 189 will come tonight 😉
So, I took what you requested into consideration and put it together 😀 The new updated version gives added features such as copying items in any of the boxes to your clipboard, or exporting everything to a text file 😛 Hope that's what you were looking for!! Thank you for your input!
Any way to use this on a hosted server?
What do you mean?
If you're talking about a server that is hosted elsewhere apart from your main computer, then all you need to do is download the server data via ftp or any other method, then you can view them using my tool.
einfach geil, super
einfach geil, super
Thank you! But could you speak English please? 🙂