How do we download to test this out? looks a lot more accessible than learning how to code in hexdecimal
The XP is a tricky float to deal with I'll poke around with it 🙂 also I'm still trying to figure a way to actually edit the file without locking the game up :/ but as far as being able to export the names and stuff, that's easy enough 😀
When are you planning to release a updated version of your app with the export option enabled? we keep a list of players and tribes on our website but it's a pain to manually update it from the survivor profiles 😉
this brings me on a new request 😉
can you make it that the app automatically loads all player profiles from the server? like present a list off players instead of loading them one by one.
the same goes for Tribes
ans yes the official updates for the ark server is going like 1 in two day's! but sometimes its much faster now on 188.22 and update 189 will come tonight 😉
thanks. this sounds really great
Cheers! Saved a lot of my time here 🙂
Awesome release, this is exactly what I've been looking for!