Name / Username (You go by):
Do you want a friendly environment?
What do you want out of this Crew / Team?
What are you willing to provide / bring to "The Sewer Crew // Sewer's Modding Team"?
Do you have any experience in modding or anything similar?
How many other Crews / Teams have you been in?
What games do you mod?
Position (Look in the Positions spoilers):
If you don't mod just answer with what you are willing to do. To check what you can be in this Crew / Team look below in the "Positions" spoiler.
Ages 13+
No abusing the positions you are given in the Crew / Team (Positions: Moderator, Global Moderators, Administrators) *These ranks are only for the Crew / Team* **Not the site staff**
Coders (C++, C#, GSC, ETC.)
Graphic Designers (Show me a portfolio)
Modders (JB, RGH, JTAG, R-TAG, PC)
Recorders (Game Capture Cards, or Good PC Programs)
BETA Testers (Can test "Codes" , "Mods")
Updates will be every Sunday. Check for more updates next Sunday.
XeSteam (Me) - Administrator
TehShooter - Administrator
None. Let's keep it this way