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Access Blocked Websites at School or at Work

Posts: 505
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Joined: 10 years ago

There are several ways to bypass the web filter at work or at school, and I have listed all the methods that I know and use regularly, ranked by the difficulty and time that it takes to complete them.

1. The WayBack Machine
This method is the easiest by far, all that it requires is a computer with networking and a web browser ( I prefer Google Chrome, but this works in any browser). All that you need to do is go to, enter the URL of your choice blocked site in the text box that says WayBack Machine, then hit browse history and choose any of the blue circles. The only drawback of this method is that some sites, such as Facebook, and Twitter, cannot be crawled. This is however great for playing games, as it is not blocked by most filters and can be completed quickly.

2. Using a Proxy Website
This method is also quite easy, as it requires the same prerequisites as the step above, but is slightly more difficult because most proxy sites, like and, are already blocked by the network, and so require much sifting through to find one that will not be blocked itself, but has an advantage over in that these can access social media websites

3. Using a Proxy Browser
This method is the most time consuming, but also the most rewarding. This involves downloading a web browser that uses a collection of pre-determined proxy servers, such as TOR(from ) or UltraSurf(from ), and putting them on a USB. Then, all that is left is to insert the flashdrive at school or at work, and use TOR or UltraSurf rather than Google Chrome or Internet Explorer.

Good luck, and I hope that at least one of these three methods will help you to get to all the sites you've ever wanted to be able to go to but were unable to due to filtering

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