Thank you for this help full post
I ended up updating the artemis database cheat list for this game, there's a lot more now than just electricity and health. There's the amp meter, karma multiplier, forcing all karma to be either good or bad, xp multiplier and prevent it from decreasing, have all powers unlocked and usable along with having all 6 karmic boosts active at the same time, infinite overdrive, holding x to fly, and button toggles for stopping all AI movement and make vehicles invincible.
They would just need to be ported to 01.04.
hi i have a probleme cheat don't work for me i have Infamous 2 BCES01143 i install update 1.01 to 1.04 and i install cheat and lunch a game but cheat not working ? artimis work for me but Ionic Charge Never Decrease freez game any help and sorry for my bad english .
if cheat this work i am very thanks
Update link pls