Group: Registered
Joined: October 4, 2015
Noble Member
hi i love games Me too, i love games. What kinda games to ...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
hi friends im piri im 37 years old, i like so much mgs5 ...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
I go by the name I_FEAR_YE_NOT. I have been an active modder...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
Hello guys , im here now !!!! With a huge welcome to this ...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
in new here guy Hey whats up how are you bud. Glad to have...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
Hi guys Welcome to rivalgamer, your was edited due to spam...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
Hello iam just a newbie in here Hello, Welcome to riva...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
What is the password bro password is in the spoiler

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
Hi, I'm happy to landing here Happy that you joined :happy...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
Is this just a gaming thing or is it like actually coding th...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
hey what's up guys. I am new here lol 🙂 Hey what's up how...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
Hi I'm new 😀 Seems to be a nice place It's an awesome pla...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
I play On PC and i enjoy moddin' with my CFW PS3 DEX. I am...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
Sup i heard you guys have some shit im looking for bend me b...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
Hey, Im SelumixModz im a 19 years old kid from germay,Outsid...

In forum Video Games

7 years ago
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