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I Like Women
Posts: 1005
(@I Like Women)
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Joined: 10 years ago

Shoutbox should be returning soon. We just need to get more members and activity.

You seem to have around 800+ members, isn't it time to actually have a Shoutbox up? because that's what I was searching for the entire time, but I guess there wasn't any haha =).

Posts: 16
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Joined: 10 years ago

The site is amazing. But I think you should add a longer prime membership something like 3 months for $25
Just an idea

Posts: 1598
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Noble Member
Joined: 10 years ago

The site is amazing. But I think you should add a longer prime membership something like 3 months for $25
Just an idea

Yeah i'm working on it right now, thanks for the interest. πŸ˜‰

Posts: 16
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Joined: 10 years ago

πŸ™‚ nice do you no when that will be available?

Yeah i'm working on it right now, thanks for the interest. πŸ˜‰

Posts: 16
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Joined: 7 years ago

I think it would be got to have a General Discussion Category for the member to be able to talk to each other and Post new things like their favorite things. Maybe get to know the member a little bit more let them have freedom. Due too as I seen most don't use the chat box this whole month none has been in the chatbox besides DevOps and I. I am Going to use my section for PlayStation Hacks and Mods for example it needs to be organize a bit more with the nodes(categories) due to people posting in the wrong sections and hasn't been taken care of for Months on end. I say RG just needs to get the sections going again and getting the site tidy up(like your house don't want it dirty).

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