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Posts: 411
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Joined: 11 years ago

Hello all,

Today I demoted the above user at their own request. This would normally be fine and not bother me, but the excuse really pissed me off.

Ive no issue in sharing the exact wording with you;

"Reason? There is not very much going on this site. Plus IRL im just getting busy moving on to do something else better"

Suffice to say I didn't argue or try to keep this user on. Crappy attitude. Whats even more annoying is that he came from ST, and was a pretty good mod on there.

Anyway, that makes a few moderators gone from our recent recruitment wave, which is a shame - but also quite a handy "trial"

If anyone else has a similar attitude, please come and have a chat with me..

For the majority, I have been pretty pleased with what I have seen from the team. Thank you to everyone for representing the staff ranks in the way that we want.

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
5 Replies
Posts: 505
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Joined: 10 years ago

Man its gonna be sad seeing him go like that.Not like him to say that.We just have to move on and worry about the present.

Posts: 67
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Joined: 9 years ago

🙁 My moderator left me no

Posts: 411
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Joined: 11 years ago

🙁 My moderator left me no

We will get a replacement if the need arises.

I Like Women
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(@I Like Women)
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Joined: 10 years ago

This what happens when people don't see use if it and just leave to move on somewhere better. People like this isn't going to go anywhere until they learn the key word of "patient" because you can't expect the place to go famously viral like that. . . . . . Pretty disappointed with that most obvious reason.

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