SPRX SocketRequest ...
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SPRX SocketRequest Help

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Hi, I need help making a simple socketRequest on an SPRX for authentification purpose.

- I tried this library : [C++] SPRX C++ AUTH - Pastebin.com

It never even managed to get the hostname with gethostbyname(URL). It returns NULL. Something’s wrong with the DNS server or with the library itself.

- I also tried BadLuckBrian's library : http://www.nextgenupdate.com/forums/ps...

That just freezes the game. I tried using a different free space address for the HTTP_POOL_BUFFER. gopro_2027 suggested doing that since im trying it on GTA5 but no success, still freezing with 0x10070000.

Maybe you guys know a better way to do this since that's some old libraries. Ive wasted too much time trying all ways to make this work but no success.

All I need is to do an HTTP request to a url like this : www.sprxTest.com/auth.php?key=JW02D-AASTA-3F8UE-8VZJO

that page would return a simple html text like : "Valid Key".

Thanks in advance!

3 Replies
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I have the same issue. Do you got it working?

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I have the same issue. Do you got it working?

Not yet :/ Still trying

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I have the same issue. Do you got it working?


I’m trying to use one of the SDK samples and it compiles but doesnt link well... I cant use the SDK libraries because everytime I try to build I get errors like this when it calls functions from the included libraries. I dont know if anyone has a working open source project to share because Ive been struggling with this for years now and I still want to make this work and get a response from a server.
