Need a editing software for Youtube? Well today im giving you Sony Vegas Pro 13 for free.
Note: This does not work for win 8 users. If you want to still down load this you can.
The Crack might be messing with Win 8 since the security is different the win 7.
Side Note. I dont think my friend knew what she was doing so If you have win 8 and got
sony vegas cracked. Please post below to share with other Win 8 users. Thanks
Now all you have to do is download this link.
Sony Vegas pro 13
If your virus protection goes off using the crack. Allow the crack program.
Nothing is wrong with it. I have scanned it 3 time and did a malware bit scan and nothing.
Just letting you know before use the crack.
Note: I would never give anyone a program that will harm your computer.
That would be a D*ck thing to do. I test out the program before giving it away.
After Downloading the program. Read the text I left in there.
(This is will tell you how to get things working)
Other Notes: Do Not Update the software!!! Leave it on the ver I gave you!
Using KHG crack will change everything for you. If you have any sony's video editing software.
It will crack it for you. I do not know about future sony software.
After using the crack sony vegas will keep opening when you want to use it.
If you do have any problems. I will try to answer them the best I can.
Reminder: Win 8 users might have a bit of a problem opening the Crack Program.
I am looking for a crack that will work for win 8.
Updates Logs
3/15/15: I still would not update to the new ver. I dont see the point in it but you can try it if you like. Just keep the stuff on there just in case.
Also I have not tested this on Win 8 and Win 8.1 yet. They might not work but will look for a crack and program that works on win 8 and 8.1