About Me
[CENTER]Hey everyone. Im WarHeadinc.
I like to help people the best I can on [B][COLOR=#00ff00]S0rethumbs[/COLOR][/B].
I do things on Xbox 360 like Host free lobbies or do recoveries.
Staff since 10/30/14
====================[B][COLOR=#00ff00]Social Networks[/COLOR][/B]=====================
Twitter: [URL='http://www.twitter.com/warheadinc']www.twitter.com/warheadinc[/URL]
YouTube: [URL='http://www.youtube.com/user/inlovewithstmarysboy']www.youtube.com/user/inlovewithstmarysboy[/URL]
Skype: Only To Mods And Admins Pm me
==================[B][COLOR=#00ff00]Modding For Xbox 360[/COLOR][/B]===================
Falcon RGH 1 Owner
===============[COLOR=#00ff00][B]XP Lobbies and[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#00ff00]Recoveries[/COLOR][/B]===============
Been hosting lobbies since MW2 TU6 Menus came out. Im an old modder.
I do free xp lobbies on some games.
Note: If you have any questions. You can pm me 🙂
I have done recoveries before on Cod and GTA V (I no longer do GTA V for now).
What makes my recoveries different then others?
I take the time to show you what im doing by skyping or posting a youtube video of your recovery.
Note: All my recoveries are cheap. If I rec the gameplay of the recovery.
Your name will be blacked out. So no one will spam you or try to get you banned.
==================[COLOR=#00ff00][B]GameTec Goals[/B][/COLOR]==================
[B][COLOR=#00ff00]☐[/COLOR][/B] Get a legit Hoster Badge
[COLOR=#00ff00][B]☐[/B][/COLOR] Buy Premium 5 times (1 out of 5)
[B][COLOR=#00ff00]☐[/COLOR][/B] Help the site grow big
==================[COLOR=#00ff00][B]Gifted Premium[/B][/COLOR]==================
[B][COLOR=#00ff00]Count[/COLOR][/B]: 1
==================[COLOR=#00ff00][B]Gifted Members[/B][/COLOR]==================
Need to ask me something: Msg WarHeadinc
My Contact Info
My Youtube | My Twitter | Skype
Ex RG Staff