RTM requests!!! [[C...
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RTM requests!!! [[CLOSED]]

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Good morning everybody!

Just in case you all wanted to see progress....Check the dates when I started the downloads.....and the progress......
http://i.imgur.com/Vq2zfwu.pn g">

So, I'm going to open the floor with a requests! Any game you all can think of I will try to kick out a custom built RTM tool for it! No charge :p

Got my partner in Crime GamePwnzer back 😀 Very excited to work with him again 🙂

Games I got on the roster so far

So, I tweaked the list a little bit, and I'm gonna provide some information;

Firstly, Alien Isolation is proving to be a pain in the butt, because despite being able to connect via DEX, the game still freezes a lot while I'm researching. So I'll be looking for some work arounds on that. Call of Juarez kinda fell through the cracks, but I'm going to get with Pwnzer (he was originally working on that one) and see what we can get set up. Assassin's Creed games are kinda on the back burner mainly because I don't own any of them and acquiring them is a long process (lol) Same goes with God of War III, Dragon Age and Counter Strike and Gotham Imposters.

I am currently working on revamping some things and prioritizing. I was starting on D.C. Universe, but the download is MASSIVE so I'll need to run that overnight or something until it finishes. I'm going back to Alien Isolation later today to work on it a bit. Might even make a stream about it 😉

I want to make something clear to everyone who thinks I'm not doing anything with this list. As most of you know, I have HORRIBLE internet, and most of these games I either can't get a good download link, or the download times out. This is beyond my control. If anyone has the game and would like me to use TeamViewer to help you find offsets I am more than willing to go that route. Other games I either can't use DEX or plain can't run (Black Screen) or in the case of Assassin's Creed series, I keep timing out on the downloads.... On AVERAGE it takes me about a week to download any single game. I don't have the money to buy these games outright....I'm sorry 🙁 I know I've probably let a lot of you down, and I am so sorry for that.

  1. Alpha Protocol <-- RELEASE
  2. Dead Island Riptide <-- RELEASE
  3. Saboteur <-- RELEASE
  4. Alien Isolation (Constantly Freezing)
  5. Call Of Juarez : Bound In Blood (In Progress)
  6. Assassin's Creed Series (Acquiring games)
  7. God of War III (Can't Find Download)
  8. Dragon Age Inquisition (Can't Find Download)
  9. Blur (Can't find Download)
  10. Counter Strike: Global Offense ((Huge thanks to Felony For this one!!!))
  11. D.C. Universe (Can't Download GamePwnzer Help!)
  12. Gotham Imposters (Can't find Download)
  13. Deil May Cry HD Collection (started)
  14. Zone of the Enders HD Collection (Started)
  15. Not sure if I'll do Destiny because there are already tools for it, my reasoning for this thread is to bring tools to games that there aren't tools for 🙂

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
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Yes, Defiance! That game is great please make a tool!

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Can I get destiny mods pls. 😀

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NBA2K16 broo

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Destiny Tool

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