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Role lists and explanations

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Posts: 4
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New RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

Welcome Staff Members,

As you may be aware, the staffing structure has been subject of a bit of change since the recent merger.

Below is an explanation of what the new structure is, and who is doing what.

Grab a cuppa - long read 🙂


Staff in this position: Cyb3r. He can do anything on the forum, and has the right to revoke or make final decisions on issues.
This role has full access and control to the forums;
Core features of the board
Addon management
Node management
Forum appearance (skin management)
Notice management
Forum development
Server management

Deputy Managers

Staff in this position: I Like Women. They have a similar controlling authority on the board, and can make relatively major decisions. They can override anyone except the founding member.
As well as full moderative permissions, the DM can;
Make Final decisions on issues in the forum
User maintenance
Alter moderator allocations and permissions
Forum policy management
Forum structure
Staff & Discipline

Global Moderator / Legends leader

Has full moderator privileges as detailed in the " Moderator " section further down, with the following additions;
Ability to moderate ALL forums
Moderate the chat box
Override the decision of a moderator if necessary
Staff in this position is: iAmLegacyy7, KranK,

Legends Leader has the same power as a GM, however is focused on the Legends solely.
Staff in this position is: KranK

Sectional Moderator

Has the following privileges. They are there to ensure no posts contradict the forum rules, and is of good quality.
Edit post
Soft delete post
Edit thread
Soft delete thread
Use the SPAM cleaner
Give users warnings
Stick/ un stick Thread
Lock / un lock thread
Approve / unapprove posts
Feature/ un feature thread

Can only moderate select forums and cannot moderate the shoutbox
Staff in this position is: Developer, Vexx, ItzDannyBoii, Rivalz,


These members are recognised as people who have a vast knowledge of coding and modding. They are very important to the site, and are recognised for their contributions in this way.
Staff in this position is: GamePwnzer, Felony

Admin, Cain532

Mostly a "bulletin" user. You will see many announcements coming from this user, and it had been designed so messages come from "the board" rather than a specific user.

This has taken a lot of work to do, but is by no means "the end" of it. If there is something that you don't agree with then of course voice it. With this in mind, staff should respect the hierarchy, it is subject to change - so ensure you keep up to date with it.

What we will ask, is that If you are unhappy about something - you keep it to the people directly involved where possible and certainly not outside the staff circle. It makes us all look crap.

[INFORMATION=Thread Update Log]July 12, 2016[/INFORMATION]

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
7 Replies
Posts: 1598
Noble RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

Everyone please read this carefully.

Posts: 336
Reputable RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

Ok sir, roles understud . 🙂

Posts: 609
Honorable RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

ok reading Roles and understand 😉

Posts: 0
Joined: 1 second ago

Looks good to me

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