RedDeadRekt release...
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RedDeadRekt release is right around the corner!!

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Hello to my favorite community!!!

It it with GREAT pleasure that I announce the upcoming release of RedDeadRekt! a sprx mod menu for Red Dead Redemption that has been in development for the better part of the last 3 years!

The release date is TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED for July 1st!!!

Many will claim that I am simply jumping on the bandwagon and releasing this because everybody else is releasing RDR menus but this is not true. Myself and my dedicated team have been at work on this project for MANY years far before the release of the SC-CL and even further before the release of the mini sprx menus.

The Original members are as follows:
@Cain532 //Proposed initial idea, began research
@KranK //provided sprx prowess
@GamePwnzer //aided in Native research
DirkZwager //provided clever method to calling and testing natives

KranK retired, GamePwnzer had private matters to attend to and Dirk for all intents and purposes betrayed our trust.

The new team is as follows
@Cain532 //stubborn ass hole who won't give up
@Sw3Rve-X //Tester developer of functions and ideas
JediJosh //Script expert who assisted with advanced functions INCLUDING the RDRCleaner method which will be used to clean up the VERY broken RDR servers.

Now lets get into the nitty gritty!

Medusa : Kills any NPC which deals damage to main player.
Teleport : Teleport player to pre-defined locations
Spawn Car : Spawns a driveable car!! ((Another thank you to JediJosh for this one!))
Bodyguards : Spawns a bodyguard for you ((still working on getting guard to protect you))
Any Mount : Choose from pre-defined mounts or scroll through the list!
Change Model : Change your current player model
Spawn animals : Spawn one of the many animals found in Red Dead Redemption
Server Cleaner : Thanks to certain members of a pathetic excuse of a "modding" group, the servers in RDR are in complete disarray. Thanks to JediJosh we now have an amazingly elegant function that is capable of cleaning the servers passively without crashing the existing session! The perpetrators have boasted stating they will continue to screw with the servers which is why I have set this script to run passively in the background, enabled by default. If we can get this sprx pushed out to as many people as possible, they won't stand a chance!!

There are MANY more functions in this awesome menu. and we are constantly building more fun and new mods. I will be placing HEAVY restrictions to functions for those that would abuse this online. Don't worry I'm not taking everything away from you, teleporting, demi-god mode, infinte ammo and mount spawning are among those included to work in Online sessions. Restrictions will be placed on functions that may have, less than agreeable outcomes.

Those of you that know me understand my stance with online modding and those that would use it to give themselves an unfair advantage. Look what happened to GTA. Sure it's fun but the entire experience is ruined. This may make me very unpopular but there will be 2 versions released. A super slimmed down, minimal function menu which can be used online and WILL give you options such as Demi-God, teleportation etc. But they will not give you the ultimate advantage online. It will be used to enhance your experience.

The second version of this menu will have all the above functions and thenesome but will cost money.

I will have pictures up towards the end of the month, but starting June 17th I will be streaming updates up until the July 1st release 😉 More information (as well as availability to testers) in the following days.

25 Replies
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Good job on this @Cain532 and all the others , can't wait to test it out : )

I Like Women
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(@I Like Women)
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You got my attention.

Posts: 1280
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You got my attention.

:ROFLMAO: ass hole haha

Cheat Code
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Its about time lol looking forward to this menu.

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