multiMAN v04.66.00 ...
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multiMAN v04.66.00 - 04.66.06

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DashHacks members before i divulge in the updates in multiMAN i would like to take this time to let everyone on DashHacks know that i personally do not have much time at all to write news for this website going forward. When i first started here at DashHacks it was in a "helping role". Since that time I have become the only guy here literally the only guy here writing any type of news. As you may have noticed it has not been much here lately even by me. I will do my best to keep things rolling here but. In all honesty it will not be much..

So l cannot get to deanks masterpiece of one of the best Homebrew Application to ever hit the PS3. Checkout all the latest change logs below, to see the improvements and additions the talented developer has been able to create.


multiMAN 04.66.06

Fixes issues with games like "Shadow of Mordor" - it can be launched in JB/folder format from internal/external now
Probably will fix issues with other JB/folder-format games
Fix is for all standard CFWs and for cobra CFWs (4.46-4.66)
/app_home is intentionally not redirected to /dev_bdvd on cobra CFWs


Fixed issues with 4.66 CFW Cobra (mmCM and webMAN)


Fixed issues with 4.66 CFW Cobra (mmCM and webMAN)

It is aimed to cover all configurations for better compatibility. This one will utilize the "USB Patch" option in "Settings" (used back in 3.41) and will affect the way BD-Mirror option is applied and when AIOMOD is used. The actual change is only with point 4) when both options are enabled.

COBRA firmwares (only affects games on external USB HDD):
1) [-] BD-Mirror | [-] USB Patch (Both options disabled) - mmCM will act the same as before (all versions up to 04.66.02)
2) [X] BD-Mirror | [-] USB Patch (Only BD-Mirror selected) - (no effect) Same as before
3) [-] BD-Mirror | [X] USB Patch (Only USB patch selected) - (no effect) Same as before
4) [X] BD-Mirror | [X] USB Patch (Both options enabled) - mM will use the old bd-mirror method (moving /PS3_GAME to the root of the USB HDD)

STANDARD firmwares:
1) [-] BD-Mirror | [-] USB Patch (Both options disabled) - multiMAN will act the same as before (all versions up to 04.66.02)
2) [X] BD-Mirror | [-] USB Patch (Only BD-Mirror selected) - Same as before (AIOMOD.BIN is used for USB games and libfs.sprx is used for internal HDD games)
3) [-] BD-Mirror | [X] USB Patch (Only USB patch selected) - (no effect) Same as before
4) [X] BD-Mirror | [X] USB Patch (Both options enabled) - AIOMOD.BIN is not used. mM will use the old bd-mirror method for USB games (moving /PS3_GAME to the root of the USB HDD) and libfs.sprx is used for internal HDD games)

This will make mM fully compatible with older and newer cobra/non-cobra firmwares, providing all possible options for all games/environments. By using option 4) on standard firmwares the user won't have to manually delete/rename AIOMOD.BIN, because it is needed by some games and other require the plain old bd-mirror method.

For example, to make the "Mordor" game work on Cobra from external USB HDD you will need option 4) enabled (both BD-Mirror and USB Patch options enabled for the game in settings).

After you update to 04.66.04 nothing should change for most of you. If you experience issues with some external USB HDD games - try options 2) and 4). When reporting problems, please make sure that you load multiMAN/mmCM after CLEAN REBOOT and do not use other apps/patches before launching the game. If you use any app that disables syscalls/psn patchers/etc - I cannot guarantee anything.


Added "BD-Mirror" on Cobra firmwares for external FAT32 USB HDD games
Fixed black-screen-games issues for newer games (external HDD only)
Updated libfs.sprx and explorer_plugin.sprx (for better discless support)
The updated explore_plugin.sprx (IEXP0_460.BIN in USRDIR/sys) adds proper discless support (for launching games from /app_home) to multiMAN for CFWs 4.60, 4.65 and 4.66.


Added Support for 4.66 CEX CFW
Added Support for 4.65 DEX CFW
Added Spoof for 4.66 for older Cobra firmwares (do no use with Habib 4.65)
Fixed some wrong memory offsets for non-cobra firmware
Includes Showtime 4.7.494


Added support for 4.65 CEX CFW
Added support for Direct-Disc-Access for 4.65 CEX CFW
You should be now able to access all types of optical discs, that includes PS1 game discs, PS2 discs (to backup/convert to "classics"), AVCHD discs (for playback in Showtime) or Blu-ray (to backup and later decrypt on a PC), including any DATA CD/DVD with music/movies.


Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
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thankyou sir.
