Mike Tysons Opinion...
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Mike Tysons Opinion on the fight

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Reputable RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

So there is obviously so much in dispute right now about the big fight, who really won, blah blah.
But this just came up on my FB newsfeed, thought I'd share it here. Just to clarify Tyson did Tweet saying the fight was boring, but he gives his opinion on Mayweather and says why he won.

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3 Replies
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Honorable RivalGamer
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good old tyson he was a beast in his time

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Scared little man lol. Mayweather won the match, Pacquiao won the hearts.

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Honorable RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

Mayweather is just a cheap non reading cheater.Last time they fought they cheated Pacquiao .Even this time they did.All Mayweather did was hug up on him and hit.His tactic is getting old and the match was run on money meaning the judges could have been payed off by him since he got 200 mill and Pacquia go 180 mill from the fight.
