Lets have a Debate!
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Lets have a Debate!

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*Cough* Torrent *Cough*

I think I do still have my disc copy though, Ewww been like years since I touched a disc.

What do you play it on??? the only way I can play it is on PC lol

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(@Hakeem Olajuwon)
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One thing I didnt like about COD4 multiplayer was

Well I was like 10 when it came out... haha

I was 6 or 7.

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What do you play it on??? the only way I can play it is on PC lol

Yeah I think I had it on xbox, but I also had a PC copy.

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No COD can be the best or worst because everyone has different opinions. For me, World at War was far superior to any COD to date. The multiplayer was fantastic, the foundation of zombies never got boring, and the whole games premise was World War 2. The worst COD in my opinion was Modern Warfare 3 in my opinion. The multiplayer was the least fun for me out of any to date, the Spec-Ops were absolutely terrible, Survival was average, and the campaign was average. There you have it!

My rankings:

1) World at War
2) Black Ops 2
3) Modern Warfare & Black Ops 3 Beta (despite lag, horrible launch, and other non-game content specifics)
4) Modern Warfare 2
5) Black Ops 1
6) Ghosts
7) Advanced Warfare
8) Modern Warfare 3 (Literal trash)

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I always loved Bo2, When AW first came out i loved it, I thought it was going to be amazing all the new Exo stuff etc. Nowadays i just find it ever so boring, only bringing myself to play it once every month or so.

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