Legends Rules and D...
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Legends Rules and Duties

Posts: 1598
Topic starter
Noble Member
Joined: 10 years ago

Sup Legends, this is the basic rules and guidelines, you have to comply with them if you wish to stay as a member of this team. Staff main rules still apply here this is just an extended version with Legends duties.
Legend position is the most vital and important part of this site, without this team the site will be useless, so you have to be active as much as you can.

  • Legends basic duties:
    1. Legend member must be active as much as he can to help other members when they need it. Absent for more than 5 days without a valid reason/permission will get him removed from the team.
    2. Legend member must do at least 2 new content each every month (1 For Prime / 1 Public Content) Or (2 Primes only). If you fail to achieve your target 2 months in arrow you will be removed from the team.
  • Legends basic rules:
    1. All your content/releases must be yours not copied or taken from somewhere else. Breaking this will get you immediate removal and maybe suspension from the site, you have to remember you are a staff that means you are representing the whole site.

This thread is subject to update by Me or the Leader. It's your responsibility to check from time to time.

1 Reply
Posts: 336
Reputable Member
Joined: 10 years ago

Thank you Cyb3r i will do my best to keep eye on everything ^-^
