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How to Mod any game by yourself!

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Awesome work buddy 🙂 so can you tell me exactly which of these addresses it's stopping on when it breaks? It'd be defined with a small yellow arrow in ProDG when the breakpoint hits.

I swapped to just focusing on HP, think it's worth more time looking at compared to just stamina at this point :O.

	00280390 4E800020 blr                                      08
	00280394 60000000 nop                                       PIPE
	00280398 7F6007B4 extsw      r0,r27
	0028039C 807F0304 lwz        r3,0x304(r31)
	002803A0 38800000 li         r4,0x0
	002803A4 F8010090 std        r0,0x90(r1)                    PIPE
	002803A8 C8010090 lfd        f0,0x90(r1)                   50 (002803A4) LHS[01]
	002803AC FC00069C fcfid      f0,f0                          PIPE
	002803B0 FFE00018 frsp       f31,f0                        09 (002803AC) REG
	002803B4 480F858D bl         0x00378940                    08
	002803B8 60000000 nop
	002803BC 39210080 addi       r9,r1,0x80                     PIPE
	002803C0 38000001 li         r0,0x1
	002803C4 3961007C addi       r11,r1,0x7C                    PIPE
	002803C8 90010078 stw        r0,0x78(r1)
	002803CC EC3F0072 fmuls      f1,f31,f1                      PIPE
	002803D0 FC20081E fctiwz     f1,f1                         09 (002803CC) REG
	002803D4 7C204FAE stfiwx     f1,0,r9                       09 (002803D0) REG PIPE
	002803D8 80010080 lwz        r0,0x80(r1)
	002803DC 2F800001 cmpwi      cr7,r0,0x1                    02 (002803D8) REG
	002803E0 9001007C stw        r0,0x7C(r1)
	002803E4 409D00F8 ble        cr7,0x002804DC
	002803E8 796B0020 clrldi     r11,r11,32
	002803EC 381C03C4 addi       r0,r28,0x3C4                   PIPE
	002803F0 3BBC03C8 addi       r29,r28,0x3C8
	002803F4 780A0020 clrldi     r10,r0,32                      PIPE
	002803F8 38000000 li         r0,0x0
	002803FC 812B0000 lwz        r9,0x0(r11)
	00280400 90010074 stw        r0,0x74(r1)                   03 (002803F8) REG LSU
	00280404 913F03C8 stw        r9,0x3C8(r31)                  PIPE
	00280408 812A0000 lwz        r9,0x0(r10)
	0028040C 2F890000 cmpwi      cr7,r9,0x0                    02 (00280408) REG
	00280410 419C00D4 blt        cr7,0x002804E4
	00280414 7BAB0020 clrldi     r11,r29,32
	00280418 800B0000 lwz        r0,0x0(r11)                   03 (00280414) REG LSU
	0028041C 7F804800 cmpw       cr7,r0,r9                     02 (00280418) REG
	00280420 419C0098 blt        cr7,0x002804B8
	00280424 800A0000 lwz        r0,0x0(r10)
	00280428 38800001 li         r4,0x1
	0028042C 807F0304 lwz        r3,0x304(r31)
	00280430 901F03C4 stw        r0,0x3C4(r31)
	00280434 480F850D bl         0x00378940                    08
	00280438 60000000 nop
	r0 is 265 and r31 is 860173680

I can nop this address but nothing comes out of it. I can only understand few mnemonics at this point but I got a nice little chart to help me understand some things I'm looking at :p.

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I can nop this address but nothing comes out of it. I can only understand few mnemonics at this point but I got a nice little chart to help me understand some things I'm looking at :p.

If noping it doesn't work then you must likely have found a mirror address.

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If noping it doesn't work then you must likely have found a mirror address.

Would I need to find the pointer in Netcheat or look in other ranges?

Stamina stopped regenerating when I edited it to nop. It's still degenerate though

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Would I need to find the pointer in Netcheat or look in other ranges?

Stamina stopped regenerating when I edited it to nop. It's still degenerate though

I see, there's 2 functions for stamina (increase/decrease) which means you have found the wrong one, let the stamina to fully regenerate, set a breakpoint on the address then try decreasing it, then you will get the correct function, now try to nop it and see what happens.

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I see, there's 2 functions for stamina (increase/decrease) which means you have found the wrong one, let the stamina to fully regenerate, set a breakpoint on the address then try decreasing it, then you will get the correct function, now try to nop it and see what happens.

I went to find the HP for Dark Souls 1 and found a working one that doesn't seem like it's a mirror.

6 1198FF94 FFFFE754
	0 00000000 00000268

Works when restarting the game a few times.

002A86D0 60000000 nop
	002A86D4 800100A4 lwz        r0,0xA4(r1)
	002A86D8 2B80000F cmplwi     cr7,r0,0xF                    01 (002A86D4) REG
	002A86DC 419D0580 bgt        cr7,0x002A8C5C                01 (002A86D8) REG
	002A86E0 83810084 lwz        r28,0x84(r1)
	002A86E4 92E100A4 stw        r23,0xA4(r1)                   PIPE
	002A86E8 9B010090 stb        r24,0x90(r1)
	002A86EC 930100A0 stw        r24,0xA0(r1)                   PIPE
	002A86F0 81410078 lwz        r10,0x78(r1)
	002A86F4 38800014 li         r4,0x14
	002A86F8 38A00004 li         r5,0x4
	002A86FC 7D435378 mr         r3,r10                         PIPE
	002A8700 812A0000 lwz        r9,0x0(r10)
	002A8704 8169002C lwz        r11,0x2C(r9)                  03 (002A8700) REG PIPE LSU
	002A8708 800B0000 lwz        r0,0x0(r11)                   03 (002A8704) REG LSU
	002A870C F8410028 std        r2,0x28(r1)                    PIPE
	002A8710 7C0903A6 mtspr      ctr,r0
	002A8714 804B0004 lwz        r2,0x4(r11)
	002A8718 4E800421 bctrl                                    08
	002A871C E8410028 ld         r2,0x28(r1)                    PIPE
	002A8720 2F830000 cmpwi      cr7,r3,0x0
	002A8724 7C7D1B78 mr         r29,r3                         PIPE
	002A8728 419E04A4 beq        cr7,0x002A8BCC
	002A872C 7BAB0020 clrldi     r11,r29,32                    01 (002A8724) REG
	002A8730 39200000 li         r9,0x0
	002A8734 7FA4EB78 mr         r4,r29                         PIPE
	>002A8738 938B0008 stw        r28,0x8(r11)
	002A873C 992B0011 stb        r9,0x11(r11)                   PIPE
	002A8740 938B0000 stw        r28,0x0(r11)
	002A8744 93EB0004 stw        r31,0x4(r11)                   PIPE
	002A8748 92CB000C stw        r22,0xC(r11)
	002A874C 992B0010 stb        r9,0x10(r11)                   PIPE
	002A8750 80010084 lwz        r0,0x84(r1)
	002A8754 81210088 lwz        r9,0x88(r1)                    PIPE
	002A8758 7F80F800 cmpw       cr7,r0,r31
	002A875C 39290001 addi       r9,r9,0x1                      PIPE
	002A8760 91210088 stw        r9,0x88(r1)                   03 (002A875C) REG LSU
	002A8764 419E0448 beq        cr7,0x002A8BAC
	002A8768 5720063E clrlwi     r0,r25,24 

I edited to nop and it'll just freeze the game up. Nice I got it working but the game is very laggy when I force constant write. Want to avoid that if it's even possible

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