How to Mod any game...
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How to Mod any game by yourself!

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weed 974
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(@weed 974)
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Good work my brother if you have a Tuto like this for GTA V 1.26 motioned me !! I'm going more French :D:cigar::shame:

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Great post! This will help a lot of people! Thanks for the CodeWizard tip, I was using a ppc compiler that was not giving me accurate opcodes, I will be trying CodeWizard going forward. I have been using this method for Dragon Age Inquisition but the memory ranges seem to make NetCheat crash. Also, there seems to be some function in the game that breaks it when certain functions (health, mana, skill points) are altered. More work to do I guess!

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To mod games by yourself you need to know some PPC. I can't help you like this because it's unclear what you're trying to do or what you want to modify.

this tutorial is for numerical values offsets.

But i want to find "Infinite Special offset"

How i can search no numerical cheats?

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this tutorial is for numerical values offsets.

But i want to find "Infinite Special offset"

How i can search no numerical cheats?

Search for unknown value in netcheat (changed/unchanged) or (increased/decreased)

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The only problem with searching unknown values with netcheat (not that there are many other options) is you have to have an incredible amount of fortitude lol. Because if your search ranges are too large and netcheat returns more than about 2000000 results, it will crash. So you have to break down your search ranges to like 50000 increments to find anything, so it definitely helps if you know some of the ranges before hand (I realize that's not always possible). Also, your unknown values can be floats or ints, so that increases the search time hahaha. I have found that you usually need to look for a floating value when your dealing with non numerical things like heath/stamina bars etc. I know this is super vague, but I am not a pro, only commenting on my experience.

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