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How to fix Iris Man Error to any game that exist in PS3_GAME

Pianist Prodigy
Posts: 39
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(@Pianist Prodigy)
Eminent Member
Joined: 10 years ago

The issue I had is getting Call Of Duty Advance Warfare to load successfully through Iris Manager after I had install Call Of Duty Advance Warfare 1.08 modded EBOOT.BIN using Prom1ses 1.08 eboot builder. I had got Error to /dev_hdd0/GAMES/BLUS31466-[Call of duty Advance Warfare]/PS3_GAME exist so I decide to Google it and I didn't find any solution to solving my issue. So after not finding any solution to my issue I decide to delete Iris man and I install it again still had the issue. I even delete the game from Iris man and backup up the game to MultiMan then I let the game update to 1.08 and I install the modded EBOOT.BIN again. But I still had that same issue saying Error to /dev_hdd0/GAMES/BLUS31466-[Call of duty Advance Warfare]/PS3_GAME exist. So today guys and ladies I'm going to show you how I'd solve that issue and to getting any game to load successful through Iris Man.

Step 1. Turn your Ps3 on and go to MultiMan
Step 2. Press select+start
Step 3. Go to PS3 Root and hit X twice
Step 4. Go to dev_hdd0
Step 5. Find PS3_GAME and hover over it and press circle and then hit x to delete
Step 6. After it's done exit out of Multiman and go to Iris Man and load it up
Step 7. You will now notice that "Error to /dev_hdd0/GAMES/BLUS31466-[Call of duty Advance Warfare]/PS3_GAME exist" isn't there anymore
Step 8. Press X to load Call of Duty Advance Warfare
Step 9. Enjoy

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags