Gamesave Editor (No...
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Gamesave Editor (No JB)

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Hello guys, I think this tool haven't been posted here so here's it.

- NextGenUpdate - unkown v2

Instructions for Zombies;
1) Download the save editor and mod the save to your liking.
2) Transfer save to your PS3.
3) Start up Black Ops and Resume Campaign
4) Save and quit out of campaign.
5) Have a friend invite you to a zombies match (you cannot start one yourself, your menu is gone and you cannot sit down)
6) Your friend leaves the zombies match and comes back while you are host.
7) Start the game

Binds for Black Ops 2;

ai_corpseCount - 0 //Enemy bodies disappear 2 seconds after being killed = I didn't use this dvar but I'm providing it just incase any of you would like to use it

bg_gravity - 100 //Low gravity

g_speed - 800 //Player movement speed

party_hostname - ^1Red-EyeX32 ^0MoDz //Custom small text on screen right underneath the FPS counter

glass_fall_gravity -99 //Broken glass floats slowly

pickupPrints - 1 //Shows a message on the top-left of your screen when you pick up ammo for any weapon and explosive that you currently have

cg_cursorHints - 2 //Animated/pulsing effects for dropped weapon icons, equipment crates and other usable items

player_sprintCameraBob - 0 //No screen bob when sprinting

player_backSpeedScale - 20 //Fast backward speed

player_meleeInterruptFrac - 0 //Fast melee attacks - there is no pause after each melee attack

player_sprintSpeedScale - 5 //Fast sprint speed

player_sprintUnlimited - 1 //Unlimited sprint

Demi-God Mode (Increased Player Health)

g_player_maxhealth - 2000 // This is the max value, anything higher than this will revert to its default value
g_radiusDamageMax - 0
player_radiusDamageMultiplier - 0
player_damageMultiplier - 0
player_meleeDamageMultiplier - 0
player_deathInvulnerableToMelee - 1
player_deathInvulnerableToProjectile - 1
ai_meleeDamage - 0
ai_meleeRange - 0
ai_meleeHeight - 0
ai_meleeWidth - 0

Custom error message in box

ui_errorMessage - ^1Version ^51.0 //2nd line text
ui_errorMessageDebug - ^3Happy ^1Modding!! //3rd line text
ui_errorTitle - ^6Red-EyeX32 Is Awesome //Big text

Note: This will only appear after you resume game, play the game for a few seconds, save and quit and when the game ends these custom messages will appear. This may only work once per mission because I tried doing it again on 1 mission and it never appeared. I know this is useless but I still included the dvars in the gamesaves.

Warning message colors for weapon ammo

lowAmmoWarningColor1 - 0 0 1 1 // 1 of 2 flashing "Reload" warning colors
lowAmmoWarningColor2 - 0 1 0 1 // 2 of 2 flashing "Reload" warning colors
lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor1 - 1 1 0 1 // 1 of 2 flashing "Low Ammo" warning colors
lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor2 - 1 0 0 1 // 2 of 2 flashing "Low Ammo" warning colors
lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor1 - 1 0 1 1 // 1 of 2 flashing "No Ammo" warning colors
lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor2 - 0 0 0 1 // 2 of 2 flashing "No Ammo" warning colors

Far Melee

player_meleeRange - 1000
player_meleeHeight - 1000
player_meleeWidth - 1000


fov - 80
cg_gun_x - 7

Big FPS Counter

cg_drawfps - 1
cg_drawBigFPS - 1

Unlimited Ammo

player_sustainAmmo - 1
player_clipSizeMultiplier - 1000

Red-EyeX32 - Black Ops II Save Editor

Virus Scan;

Having any problem? Message me now!

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