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Pianist Prodigy
Posts: 39
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(@Pianist Prodigy)
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Joined: 10 years ago

Hello, Everybody

So, I have PS3 Slim model CECH 2001A I'm downgrading for a customer with an E3 flasher but I came across a issue where I spend hours yesterday and today searching Google for a solution and trying to resolve it myself before posting a thread here. And I even look through all the 36 pages on this forum in the PS3 Mods Questions and Inquiries looking for answers to this issue, but didn't find solution for my issue.

So, after the dumps were "OK" in the PS3 Dump Patcher I rename the file then place the file on the sd card. But when I was about to do the last step of downgrading process, I got an error with E3 flasher lights, so I turn off the PS3 by the power button, disconnect the E3 flasher cable and connect it back. Then I turn the PS3 back on and their was a Black Screen no activity or sound and I'm using HDMI. I have try to reset the video but the power button will just stay solid green and it won't turn off unless I pull the power cord out the PS3.

And the downgrading process it show a error for "Cannot start The appropriate system storage was not found." But after having Black screen I decide to replace the thermal paste using (Arctic Mx-4)thinking that could had resolve the issue but it didn't.

But I have downgraded several PS3 Slim Console for Customers and I never had this issue before.

I believe the PS3 has GPU failure (Video Processor) that gave me the black screen because before that I would have that message saying hard drive error saying "Cannot start The appropriate system storage was not found."

So, I also try to put 4 pennies on the RSX one in each corner then apply thermal paste. But when turning on the PS3 it turn on then 3 beeps then turn off red light flashing, which looks like YLOD but it didn't have the yellow light though.

So, after that I loosing up the screw on the plates then I'd try turning on it again but this time, it will come on solid green but still nothing on the tv appears on the screen. And when i press power button when it's solid green it doesn't turn off so I have pull the cord in order to shut it off.

I basically ran out of options of what to do next.... but I may have to end up just giving the customer another PS3 on 3.55 OFW then just install the Jailbreak on there etc for him, if I can't resolve this issue.

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3 Replies
Pianist Prodigy
Posts: 39
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(@Pianist Prodigy)
Eminent Member
Joined: 10 years ago

Forgot too post back in this thread but I fixed the issue. The console was brick so I follow this tutorial here to fixed it.

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nice release (y)

Pianist Prodigy
Posts: 39
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(@Pianist Prodigy)
Eminent Member
Joined: 10 years ago

nice release (y)

This isn't a release.... just a thread I posted for help few days ago, but posted a post that I resolved my issue in my previous post.
