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Drew McIntyre
Posts: 4
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(@Drew McIntyre)
New Member
Joined: 8 years ago

To every ST members out there, please PM me.
I was known as Drew McIntyre.

I'm your not so average dank memer, leaking and modding since 2012.
Though i'm a PCMR faggot now,
I still know a bunch about RGHs.
I also code in VB, GECK and C#.
Maybe also do some GFX here and there.

Best regards,

Your fucking uncle.

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
3 Replies
Posts: 2350
Noble Member
Joined: 9 years ago

Welcome back buddy

Posts: 62
Trusted Member
Joined: 8 years ago

Nice! Welcome! Didn't know you before, but good to have you back. I love to see proficient coders coming aboard! It's also nice to see the community growing.

Drew McIntyre
Posts: 4
Topic starter
(@Drew McIntyre)
New Member
Joined: 8 years ago

Nice! Welcome! Didn't know you before, but good to have you back. I love to see proficient coders coming aboard! It's also nice to see the community growing.

Well, I haven't been here before, but I'm quite known.
TehShooter knows me (the reason for my fast xp)
But I also know some members from the earlier S0reThumbs forum has activity here.
