This may change some format on the site if we go with this idea.I don't want to take any ideas from any sites but we should let users get custom usergroups.Like this:
Minion Force=Same thing as Section Mod
Middleman=Trusted person in holding an item in a deal between 2 users
Princess= Verified female user
Pharoah= Member of the month
New's Force= People who share gaming news
Contributor=Someone who contributes to the community
Others you see are custom.They should go below your name centered also there are gif's one's.There should be a post count of 500 regardless if you are premium or a regular member.Staff have the ability to use it anytime. If you get in the donater usergroup you have the ability to use it too.To request for the usergroup you must request in a section where any staff can verify it.There will be rules on what can and can't be on the custom usergroup banner.This somewhat ties into the badges system just this is better.