Bring SP Cars to MP...
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Bring SP Cars to MP Glitch 1.16

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Videos has been added to the thread showing this glitch.

Shady Gamers, FreightTrain, and Solar Glitch for text tutorial for SP character to MP.

Stip club method to bring SP Cars to Online Patch1.16

*Before you start save your modded cars at the parking spot at Trevor's Strip Club property with Trevor.
*Drive decently far away from Strip club and than join a invite only session.

  1. Stand next to a job circle before starting the glitch.
  2. Select the option to go to the game store and stay on the alert screen that "asks you are you sure you want to go to the game store".
  3. Open the Xbox menu and go to recent players and pick a random player and join their session. PS3 users should: Open up an invite from a friend that is in an job using the XMB menu.
  4. Wait 3 -5 seconds after accepting the alert to join other player and than spam A/X, this will transition you to the game store, while also trying to put you into online again.
  5. You'll know you did it right if you see the Transitioning to the gamestore on the bottom right of your screen when you spawn back into online with your character.
  6. Go to the job circle and click host.
  7. Wait 5-10 seconds and unplug your Ethernet Cable and plug it back in fast.
  8. Click home on the Xbox controller or PS button on PS3 controller and sign back in (BE QUICK)
  9. This will take you to single player, but it will still say transitioning to to game store on the bottom right hand corner.
  10. Once the story mode loads up go to game store and let it load up and back out.
  11. You will see the single player map for a few seconds and than it will change to online map and on the bottom right corner it will say loading. Sometimes you might be frozen as well.
  12. Go to the game store one more time.
  13. Have a friend invite you to invite only session.
  14. Join the invite while you are in game store and you should spawn in the invite only session as SP Character
  15. Meet up with friend at strip club and You go to the game store and the Modded SP cars will spawn in the parking spots and have friend watch them so they don't despawn.
  16. Back out of game store and kill yourself, and you will be back to your MP character and will be able to see the SP cars.
  17. Tips:
    *Instead of unplugging the Ethernet on steps 7, you could also wait three seconds and sign out and sign right back in. Than skip step 8.

    ORIGINAL POST FROM: Working - Bring SP Cars to MP using strip club parking lot. Patch 1.16 | Se7enSins Gaming Community


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