This was released because I wanted show everyone that anything is possible to overcome and get through...
bi polar depression, was consuming me whole lost some much the love of my life now with another man, hurt like hell when she let me go, but I'm better now yeah it was hard for me to let go,but now Im happy for her. My closure was this black ops 2 TU18 GSC menu. I made it too help me get over her. She loves cows so that is why its called MooCow. We were together for 4 years. Everything has for a reason though, I didn't let the depression ruin my life and what is ahead of me. So I just wanna let this awesome community that you are all very awesome and amazing people feel free to pm if you need anything 🙂 Anyways lets get to the release 🙂
Menu Commands:
D-Pad Up: Open
RT & LT = Up & Down
B = Back Or Close
X / Reload = Select
Download Link
The Fallen - Overflow fix
Cain532 - Inspiring me for post it on here :h: 🙂
(If anyone can record the menu that would very