Advanced Eboot Buil...
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Advanced Eboot Builder C# SourceCode

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awesome man 🙂

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Hello RG Members Today im Gladly Present You My Advanced EBOOT Builder Sourcecode

it toke me some time to setup everyting and make it perfect to work so please read carefull , and show some respect by crediting me if/or when ever you gonna use it thanks!

How is this will be advanced ?
the main goal of this is to not build eboot just by editing the elf hex , aka we going to use already existing elf tools and keys for making our eboot type , region etc , this mean you can use all avalible options the plugins allows you
what is that mean plugins , well every developer will understand what plugin is , but in this case it few tools and eboot keys file that you can update them ofcourse , tools and plugins used - zlib1.dll" , "scetool.exe" , "make_fself.exe" , "keys" "ldr_curves" , "vsh_curves" . we are going to embedd theme as resources !
and yes develpers you allways can add more tools xD

i will be just droping you the sourcecode ! cause otherwise the thread going to be way to long , everything important comented on the source

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✌Have fun

sweet thanks

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Hello RG Members Today im Gladly Present You My Advanced EBOOT Builder Sourcecode

it toke me some time to setup everyting and make it perfect to work so please read carefull , and show some respect by crediting me if/or when ever you gonna use it thanks!

How is this will be advanced ?
the main goal of this is to not build eboot just by editing the elf hex , aka we going to use already existing elf tools and keys for making our eboot type , region etc , this mean you can use all avalible options the plugins allows you
what is that mean plugins , well every developer will understand what plugin is , but in this case it few tools and eboot keys file that you can update them ofcourse , tools and plugins used - zlib1.dll" , "scetool.exe" , "make_fself.exe" , "keys" "ldr_curves" , "vsh_curves" . we are going to embedd theme as resources !
and yes develpers you allways can add more tools xD

i will be just droping you the sourcecode ! cause otherwise the thread going to be way to long , everything important comented on the source

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✌Have fun

Thank you for this post Krank the Legend 😉

Posts: 19
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Joined: 10 years ago

Thank's bro 😉

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thanks for the post

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