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[1.13] Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Offsets + Bytes

Posts: 2350
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Noble RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

Hey Rival Gamer

Here is some Offsets + Bytes for Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies [1.13]

Lobby Name Offset: 0x01C33DB0
Message of the day Offset: 0x01c8004c

Clients Offsets

Offset: 0x011008B8

Bytes: 0x08,0x88,0x08,0x88 for On, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x64 for Off
Offset: 0x01100840

Offset: 0x010FED8F

Bytes: 15,0xff,0xff,0xff for On
Offset 1: 0x010FF138
Offset 2: 0x010FF148
Offset 3: 0x010FF160
Offset 4: 0x010FF140
Offset 5: 0x010FF168
Offset 6: 0x010FF150

Bytes: 0x01 for noclip,0x02 for ufo, 0x04 for frozen
Offset: 0x0110098F

Primary Weapon: 0x010fef6f
Secondary Weapon: 0x010fef9f

Bytes: FlameThrower- 0A ShotGun- 0E RayGun- 0B RegularGun- 0C MiniGun- 0D GranadeLuancher- 0F
Offset: 0x010FEF57

Bytes: 0x01 for notarget, 0x02 for spectator,0x00 for default
Offset: 0x0110079B

Score/Money Offset: 0x0110090C
Kills Offset: 0x01100910
Headshots Offset: 0x01100930
Revives Offset: 0x0110092C
Downs Offset: 0x01100928

Bytes: 0x40, 0x74 for super,0x00, 0x00 for freeze,0x3f, 0x80 for default
Offset: 0x01100854


public void SV_GameSendServerCommand(int client, string command)
RPC.Call(0x003C33A8, client, 1, command);

First add timer then a button,
add this to the button:

Cbuf_AddText(0,"set timescale 10");

Then this to the timer and set the interval 200/500 otherwise the game can crash.

Cbuf_AddText(0,"ai axis delete");

public void Cbuf_AddText(int localClient,string command)

public void SetModel(int client, string model)
RPC.Call(0x00305940, (uint)(0xFA805C + client * 0x34C), model);

public void Give_AimAssist(int client)
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_lockon_region_height 480");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_lockon_region_width 640");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_lockon_enabled 1");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_lockon_strength 1");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_lockon_deflection 0");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_autoaim_enabled 1");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_autoaim_region_height 480");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_autoaim_region_width 640");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_slowdown_yaw_scale_ads 0");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_slowdown_yaw_scale 0");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_slowdown_pitch_scale 0");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_slowdown_pitch_scale_ads 0");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_slowdown_region_height 0");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_slowdown_region_width 0");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_slowdown_enabled 1");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_aimAssistRangeScale 2");
SV_SendServerCommand(client, "v aim_autoAimRangeScale 2");

0x00407554 - Turn on/off FPS
40 00 - ON
40 9A - OFF

0x00827950 - Text Position
0x0082794c - Text Size
0x008283a8 - Text For Menu

public static class Buttonz
public static Int32
L1 = 1048704,
L2 = 72704,
L3 = 1074003968,
R1 = -2147483648,
R2 = 131072,
R3 = 536870912,
Square = 67108864,
Cross = 2104320,
Crouch = 4194304,
Prone = 8388608,
Triangle = 8;
public static bool ButtonPressed(int client, int Button)
if (Convert.ToInt32(Debug.ReadInt32(0x11007E8 + ((uint)client * 0x1048))) == Button)
return true;
else return false;

Offset for Client 0: 0x00B4EB60
Interval: 4392

public uint findPS(int client)
return 0x10FEDB0 + ((uint)client * 0x1048);

public void JetPack(int client)
float jH = Debug.ReadFloat(findPS(client));
jH += 70;
PS3.Extension.WriteFloat(findPS(client), jH);
//Use JetPack(); in a timer with button handling.

0x00304BA0 - G_LocalizedStringIndex(const char *string) 0x00304B38 - G_MaterialIndex(const char *name) 0x00452280 - Dvar_GetBool(const char *dvarName) 0x003C33A8 - SV_GameSendServerCommand(int clientNum, svscmd_type type, const char *text) 0x00395BA8 - CBUF_AddText(int localClientNum, const char *text) 0x00309E30 - G_GetWeaponIndexForName(const char *name) 0x00305940 - SetModel(gentity_s *ent, const char *modelName) 0x00305650 - G_ModelIndex(const char *name) 0x00EE7BF2 - G_Hudelem 0x000A4968 - BG_GetWeaponDef(unsigned int weaponIndex) 0x002FD098 - G_Callspawn 0x002FD9C8 - G_SpawnEntitiesFromString(void) 0x00073A88 - BG_GetPerkIndexForName(const char *perkName) 0x004BE508 - SV_ExecuteClientCommand(client_s *cl, const char *s, int clientOK) 0x003066E0 - G_Spawn(void) 0x002DDFF8 - SP_script_model(gentity_s *pSelf)

noclip - you can fly 😀
ufo - you can also fly with this 😀
god - godmode (unlimited health..)
notarget - zombies can't see you
give - you can give weapons/perks
give all - gives you all weapons
take all - takes all your stuff
cg_thirdPerson - thirdperson (values: 1 or 0)
cg_fov - field of view (any value between 1-200)
ai axis delete - kills all zombies
cg_drawfps - fps in the corner (values: 1 or 0)
dropweapon - drops your current weapon


Bytes: ON 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ,OFF 0x4B, 0xF3, 0xFF, 0x89
Offset: 0x15A320

Bytes: ON 2F 80 00 00, OFF 2F 80 00 02
Offset: 0x91014


Eddie Mac
iamLegacyy7 - For making this posts 😀

[INFORMATION]Last Updated - April 21, 2016[/INFORMATION]

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