Looks interesting!
nice work Cyb3r, never played this game but i might Try it out.yes!
How do I get this to work on Windows 10?
does it works with BLUS or BLES, NPUB Version?
Hello Everyone, this an ultimate tool for TLOU, i might add more mods later when i get sometime! 😉
Common Mods:
God Mode.
Infinite Ammo.
Infinite Items.
Infinite Oxygen.
Infinite Flamethrower.
1 Hit Kill. (Thanks to draco_cool)
Smoke Off. (Thanks to draco_cool)
Set Money.New Exclusive Mods:
Infinite Listening Mode.
Infinite Loadout Points.
Unlock All.
Set Clan Number. (Max 999)
Set Items Amount On Every Game Start.
Days Played. (Max 83)
Set Boosters Amount.
Clients Infos. (Get And Set)
Equip DLC Weapons. (Scoped Only)
Added Rank. (Max 999)
Added Prestige. (Max 9)
Added Executions DLC.
Added New DLC Weapons.
Added Freeze Fix.
All Prestiges Picture:
Some Mods prefer to enable them before you go to fatcions like Items amount or maybe you'll get crash cause the code is being excuted.
If you tired of setting money manuall every game just check the little checkbox next to the Set button and you will always start with 999,999 money.
Infinite Flamethrower And Oxygen haven't been tested because i ported them from earlier updates as asked so thanks goes to their owners if it worked.
Loadout points will never decrease when you equip things but you have to leave it on if you wan't to use modded class.
Unlock all will open everything including hats and masks except the last mask, to obtain it you have to set days to 53 and population mor than 85+ then play one game and you will get it.
Clan number is not accurate if you wan't to exactly the same as you set it you should have 0 Hungry and 0 Sick i think.
Days Played in Game Max 54 = 12 Weeks and 7 Days.
Client Info not fully finished but i don't think it's important so i will fix it with the next update, while the kills and other data is not static i couldn't make it, but you can change names in game score board.
DLC weapons have all the scoped pack and i didn't inlcude earlier packs cause it have DLC unlocker already.Known bug:
Sometimes you will not be able to enter factions after maxing out your clan, your ps3 will freeze when connecting.
In main menu and after connecting/attaching, Go to "DLC Weapons & Freeze Fix" tab and check "Enable Fix" checkbox, enter multiplier then after bypassing facebook screen uncheck the Freeze Fix.
Hidden content cannot be quoted.
Hidden content cannot be quoted.
Virus Scan:
2.50: TLOU RTM_1.11.exe (3 False Positive)
2.60: TLOU RTM_1.11.exe (3 False Positive)Added Rank And Prestige And improved the population number now you will get 999, Re-Download the tool.
I can't ge
Hello Everyone, this an ultimate tool for TLOU, i might add more mods later when i get sometime! 😉
Common Mods:
God Mode.
Infinite Ammo.
Infinite Items.
Infinite Oxygen.
Infinite Flamethrower.
1 Hit Kill. (Thanks to draco_cool)
Smoke Off. (Thanks to draco_cool)
Set Money.New Exclusive Mods:
Infinite Listening Mode.
Infinite Loadout Points.
Unlock All.
Set Clan Number. (Max 999)
Set Items Amount On Every Game Start.
Days Played. (Max 83)
Set Boosters Amount.
Clients Infos. (Get And Set)
Equip DLC Weapons. (Scoped Only)
Added Rank. (Max 999)
Added Prestige. (Max 9)
Added Executions DLC.
Added New DLC Weapons.
Added Freeze Fix.
All Prestiges Picture:
Some Mods prefer to enable them before you go to fatcions like Items amount or maybe you'll get crash cause the code is being excuted.
If you tired of setting money manuall every game just check the little checkbox next to the Set button and you will always start with 999,999 money.
Infinite Flamethrower And Oxygen haven't been tested because i ported them from earlier updates as asked so thanks goes to their owners if it worked.
Loadout points will never decrease when you equip things but you have to leave it on if you wan't to use modded class.
Unlock all will open everything including hats and masks except the last mask, to obtain it you have to set days to 53 and population mor than 85+ then play one game and you will get it.
Clan number is not accurate if you wan't to exactly the same as you set it you should have 0 Hungry and 0 Sick i think.
Days Played in Game Max 54 = 12 Weeks and 7 Days.
Client Info not fully finished but i don't think it's important so i will fix it with the next update, while the kills and other data is not static i couldn't make it, but you can change names in game score board.
DLC weapons have all the scoped pack and i didn't inlcude earlier packs cause it have DLC unlocker already.Known bug:
Sometimes you will not be able to enter factions after maxing out your clan, your ps3 will freeze when connecting.
In main menu and after connecting/attaching, Go to "DLC Weapons & Freeze Fix" tab and check "Enable Fix" checkbox, enter multiplier then after bypassing facebook screen uncheck the Freeze Fix.
Hidden content cannot be quoted.
Hidden content cannot be quoted.
Virus Scan:
2.50: TLOU RTM_1.11.exe (3 False Positive)
2.60: TLOU RTM_1.11.exe (3 False Positive)Added Rank And Prestige And improved the population number now you will get 999, Re-Download the tool.
I cant get The tool to pop up I downloaded it butt nothing