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Whatup guys!!!

Posts: 13
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Active RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

so i am GodzModz and i can't really say that im new here...
i've been here for a while now but i didn't really create a account or post anything, hell i didn't even get my avatar until today. :-p
But i like it here so here is my Introduction
Like mentioned before my name is: GodzModz
I run a Rebug 4.70.1 Dex CFW and a rogero 4.55 Cex CFW and also 2 OFW ps3's.
I try to mod pretty much whatever game i can find.
im trying to learn how to make gsc,sprx menu's and RTM tools.
Im from Belgium so don't judge my grammar. :-p
So yeah... I guess that's about it :-p
Thanx for having me here and happy modding!!!

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I Like Women
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Noble RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

Hello thegodfather096 welcome to! =D. I'm running on 4.65 iTa. hope to see u around mate.
